Theory And Operation Of The Fourdrinier Paper Machine

E-Book Overview

This book is concerned with running a paper machine to achieve the best possible performance. The book is divided into six parts. The first five of these deal with separate sections of the Fourdrinier paper machine: 1, the wet-end flow system; 2, screens and cleaners; 3, the wire part; 4, the press section; and 5, the dryers and calenders. Each of these parts is divided into three main chapters. The first chapter describes theoretical aspects of the process. The second chapter of each part concerns operational aspects of the paper machine and details the various factors which can affect the process. The third chapter of each part is concerned entirely with practical aspects of paper machine operation. Part 6 is concerned with methods of monitoring the performance of paper machines.

E-Book Information

  • Year: 1,967

  • City: LONDON

  • Pages: 528

  • Pages In File: 641

  • Language: English

  • Topic: 220

  • Identifier: ISBN-10: 0-900593-03-2

  • Org File Size: 43,879,045

  • Extension: pdf

  • Toc: Foreword ix PART 1: THE WET-END FLOW SYSTEM 1I Introduction 3 CHAPTER 1A: THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS 1A.1 Flow of Fibre Suspensions 6 1A.2 Influence of Wet-end Design on Operational Stability 15 CHAPTER 1B: OPERATING FACTORS AFFECTING PERFORMANCE 1B.1 Retention on the Wire 31 1B.2 Fresh Stuff Flow and Mixing 35 1B.3 Backwater and Whitewater Systems 38 1B.4 Breast Box Approach System 40 1B.5 Breast Box Design 46 1B.6 Slice Design 54 1B.7 Aeration of the Stock 59 1B.8 Hydraulic Disturbances 63 CHAPTER 1C: RUNNING THE WET-END FLOW SYSTEM 1C.1 Daily Operation 66 lC.2 Maintenance 76 1C.3 Control of Substance 80 1C.4 Practical Points 87 References 95 PART 2: SCREENS AND CLEANERS 2I Introduction 101 CHAPTER 2A: THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS 2A.l Theory of Screening 105 2A.2 Theory of Cleaning 117 2A.3 Assessing Screen and Cleaner Efficiency 129 CHAPTER 2B: OPERATING FACTORS AFFECTING SCREENS AND CLEANERS 2B.1 Position in the Flow System 135 28.2 Open Screening Equipment 140 2B.3 Closed Pressure Screens 144 28.4 Early Cleaning Equipment 150 2B.5 Cylindrical Cleaners 152 2B.6 Cyclone Cleaners 154 CHAPTER 2C: RUNNING SCREENS AND CLEANERS 2C.I Daily Operation 171 2C.2 Maintenance 172 2C.3 Practical Points 175 References 180 PART 3: THE WIRE SECTION 3I Introduction 185 CHAPTER 3A: THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS 3A.l Drainage in the Table Roll Section 187 3A.2 Forming the Sheet on the Wire 195 3A.3 Drainage at the Suction Boxes 209 3A.4 Conditions for Couching 219 CHAPTER 3B: OPERATING FACTORS AFFECTING THE WIRE SECTION 3B.1 Early Drainage Conditions 226 3B.2 Table Rolls and other Dewatering Devices 232 3B.3 Shake 237 3B.4 Suction Boxes 241 3B.5 The Dandy 247 3B.6 Couching 252 3B.7 The Wire and Showers 262 3B.8 Breast Box Stock Consistency and Temperature 268 38.9 Machine Speed, Substance and Stuff Treatment 269 3B.10 Equipment 271 CHAPTER 3C: RUNNING THE WIRE SECTION 3C.1 Daily Operation 275 3C.2 Maintenance 280 3C.3 Practical Points 286 References 296 PART 4: THE PRESS SECTION 4I Introduction 303 CHAPTER 4A: