The Bipolar Workbook, Second Edition: Tools For Controlling Your Mood Swings

E-Book Overview

Bipolar disorder is a lifelong challenge, but it doesn't have to rule your life. Join the many tens of thousands of readers who have used the science-based tools in this book to achieve greater balance and get the most out of treatment. Leading expert Dr. Monica Ramirez Basco helps you understand the nature of bipolar illness and recognize the early warning signs of mood swings. Step-by-step exercises (you can download and print additional copies of the forms as needed) give you greater insight into your own triggers, vulnerabilities, and strengths. Dr. Basco guides you to build the particular skills you need to withstand the seductive pull of manic episodes and escape the paralysis of depression. You'll also learn key strategies for managing stress, making healthy decisions, and solving problems. Vivid stories and examples illustrate how to put the techniques into action. Significantly revised, the second edition features a new structure, more succinct chapters, and streamlined exercises.

E-Book Content

ebook THE GUILFORD PRESS Praise for The Bipolar Workbook “Dr. Basco once again hits it out of the park with this clear and concise workbook. This book can have a profound effect on improving the quality of life of anyone with bipolar illness.” —Daniel J. Taylor, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of North Texas “Having suffered with bipolar disorder for years, I am grateful for Dr. Basco’s well-organized, easy-to-understand guidance on how to live with this illness. The book contains numerous useful exercises that help you organize your thoughts in a logical way. It helps you understand your symptoms and moods and teaches realistic coping strategies so you can get your life back.” —Erin B. “For those on the bipolar spectrum—as well as loved ones who want to understand and help—this book is empathic, respectful, empowering, and accessible. Dr. Basco’s deep understanding of the illness is evident. The tools in this book can help you strengthen your commitment to treatment, practice essential coping skills, and achieve greater stability.” —Cory F. Newman, PhD, ABPP, Center for Cognitive Therapy, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania “This workbook successfully guides patients through the course of their illness at an easyto-understand level and is specific to various stages of the illness. It will help patients gain awareness, understanding, knowledge, and ownership of their illness. . . . This is, undoubtedly, one of the best workbooks on bipolar disorder in a long time. It is thorough, realistic, and should be given to all bipolar patients as part of their treatment plan. Highly recommended! 5 stars!” —Doody’s Review Service “A great book has gotten even better. The Workbook is an invaluable aide to managing bipolar disorder and achieving sustained wellness. I highly recommend this lucidly written book to people with bipolar illness and their families and friends.” —Madhukar H. Trivedi, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center “This workbook provides essential tools for coping with mood swings and intense emotions. Dr. Basco explains step by step how to manage the mix of depression and mania symptoms that typically goes along with bipolar disorder. A fantastic book and a ‘must read.’” —Thilo Deckersbach, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School “Extremely useful. . . . This is an excellent example of putting helpful, evidence-based tools and information in the hands of people . . . who are experiencing a baffling disorder.” —PsycCRITIQUES The Bipolar Workbook Also by Monica Ramirez Basco Cognitive-­Behavioral Therapy for Bipolar Disorder, Second Edition Monica Ramirez Basco and A. John Rush The Procrastinator’s Guide to Getting Things Done Monica Ramirez Basco The Bipolar Workbook Tools f
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