Cultiples 1: Tristan Grey/desiree Hamm

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Cultiples #1: Tristan Grey/Desiree Hämm by LB Lee Table of Contents Terminology 101................................................................1 The Charismatic Leader.....................................................2 The Grand Purpose.............................................................3 The Rapes and Kidnappings of Tristan Grey.....................4 The Tactics of Tristan Grey..............................................11 Sources Cited...................................................................20 Appendix A......................................................................23 Appendix B......................................................................28 Appendix C......................................................................32 Appendix D......................................................................35 Appendix E......................................................................38 1 Terminology 101 Hi everybody! Before we begin, here’s some vocabulary words, just to make sure everyone’s on the same page… Multiple: the state of being more than one person in a body. More commonly known as ‘multiple personality,’ though we don’t care for the term. Multiples may see themselves as suffering from a mental illness, channeling spiritual entities, or merely having a different psychological or neurological makeup. There’s a lot of variety! Plural: umbrella term for multiples and multiple-ish folks. Singlet: someone who isn’t multiple. System: a name for a multiple group as a whole. For instance, LB Lee is the name of our system. Our system members are Sneak, M.D., etc. Cult: a group orbiting around a charismatic leader with a specific philosophy. This leader uses that philosophy to control and abuse their followers, squeezing them for resources (usually money, sex, or devotion). They are characterized by hiding their true beliefs until someone is already hooked, making it obscenely difficult to leave, and being highly authoritarian—a cult leader demands utter unquestioning obedience, though they will often claim otherwise in public. A cult is not necessarily the same as a fringe religious belief—it’s not the strangeness of the beliefs that define a cult, but the control and abuse within it. Some cult leaders don’t focus on religion at all, building instead around fandom, business skills, even random things like cat hoarding. However, the philosophy rarely makes much sense, since it only exists to control the followers and prop up the leader. The stereotypical cult is a large organization, like Scientology or the Moonies. But most of the cults in Cultiples are very small—at best only having a few dozen followers. They can sometimes resemble an abusive relationship more than a cult, except for the philosophy that binds everyone together. I hope that clears up all confusion! Let’s go! 2 The Charismatic Leader It is unsettling to me how incredibly common a certain kind of charismatic person is in plural/fandom circles. They turn up online and promptly start creating a lot of creative work or discussion that other people find interesting. They make friends and fans. Then they start building a religious mythos. Maybe they claim to be a shaman or prophet; maybe they build an entire religion around their fandom of choice. Regardless, the mythos starts bleeding into reality. The fun is no longer just a book or a roleplaying game; there is something deeper going on, something of cosmic significance. They start seeking out followers who have always wished for a letter to Hogwarts, the Doctor in a police booth, that special wardrobe to Narnia. The charismatic person then becomes that escape from the humdrum world, spurring these impulses to a frenetic height, causing an instant powerful bond. Only they know the True Secrets hidden within the media they consume, the games th
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