Psychology Psy1011/psy1022: A Custom Edition

E-Book Information

  • Year: 2,016

  • Edition: 2nd

  • Pages: 614

  • Pages In File: 614

  • Language: English

  • Topic: 198

  • Identifier: 9,781,488,613,050

  • Org File Size: 42,564,338

  • Extension: pdf

  • Toc: Psychology PSY1011 and PSY1022: 2nd Edition ......Page 1 Title Page......Page 2 Copyright......Page 3 Brief contents......Page 4 Contents......Page 5 A NOTE ABOUT THE CONTENTS OF THIS CUSTOM BOOK......Page 10 PART ONE: PSY1011......Page 12 Chapter 1: Science and pseudoscience in psychology: SKILLS FOR THINKING SCIENTIFICALLY IN EVERYDAY LIFE......Page 13 What is psychology? Science versus intuition......Page 15 What makes psychology distinctive-and fascinating......Page 16 Why we can't always trust our commonsense......Page 17 Psychology as a science......Page 18 psychomythology: WHAT IS SCIENTIFIC THEORY?......Page 19 The boundaries of science......Page 21 The amazing growth of popular psychology......Page 22 What is pseudoscience?......Page 23 from inquiry to understanding: WHY DO WE PERCEIVE PATTERNS EVEN WHEN THEY DON'T EXIST?......Page 26 The dangers of pseudoscience: why should we care?......Page 29 Scientific scepticism......Page 30 A basic framework for scientific thinking......Page 31 evaluating CLAIMS: HEALTH BENEFITS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES......Page 35 Psychology's past and present: what a long, strange trip it's been......Page 37 The great theoretical frameworks of psychology......Page 38 The multifaceted world of modern psychology......Page 43 Great debates of psychology......Page 45 How psychology affects our lives......Page 47 Psychology and psychologists in Australia......Page 48 Your complete review system......Page 51 Chapter 2: Research methods: SAFEGUARDS AGAINST ERROR......Page 57 Why we need research designs......Page 60 How we can be fooled: two modes of thinking......Page 61 The scientific method: toolbox of skills......Page 63 Naturalistic observation: studying humans 'in the wild'......Page 64 Case study designs: getting to know you......Page 65 Correlational design......Page 66 Experimental design......Page 71 from inquiry to understanding: HOW DO PLACEBOS WORK?......Page 74 psychomythology: LABORATORY RESEARCH DOES NOT APPLY TO THE REAL WORLD, RIGHT?......Page 80 Ethical guidelines for human research......Page 82 Ethical issues in animal research......Page 84 Statistics: the language of psychological research......Page 85 Descriptive statistics: what is what?......Page 86 Inferential statistics: testing hypotheses......Page 87 How people lie with statistics......Page 88 Becoming a peer reviewer of psychological research......Page 90 Becoming peer-reviewed: the importance of being published......Page 91 Most reporters are not scientists: evaluating psychology in the media......Page 92 Your complete review system......Page 94 evaluating CLAIMS: HAIR-LOSS REMEDIES......Page 93 Chapter 14: Cross-cultural psychology: HOW CULTURE AFFECTS US......Page 99 What is culture and how does it influence behaviour?......Page 101 Definitions of culture......Page 102 What is cross-cultural psychology and how does it operate?......Page 106 Theoretical issues......Page 107 Methodology in cross-cultural psychology....

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