Winning Her Business: How To Transform The Customer Experience For The World’s Most Powerful Consumers

E-Book Overview

<strong>Bridget Brennan, CEO of Female Factor, shows readers how to win sales and grow market share by creating a customer experience that appeals to the most powerful consumers: women<em><strong>. When people think about the world’s growth markets, they often envision countries like China and India. Yet they miss the largest one right here at home, no matter where you call home: women<em>.<em> With women driving 70 to 80 percent of consumer spending, it would seem an obvious strategy to learn how best to appeal to this continually expanding market. Common sense? Yes. Common practice? No. In <em>Winning Her Business, Bridget Brennan, advisor to some of the world’s biggest brands and businesses, provides a roadmap for selling in a world dominated by the rise of women’s economic power. Brennan introduces The Four Motivators® Framework, which shows how every company can help customers feel: <em>connectedto them, their brand, and their business, <em>inspiredto buy from them specifically, <em>confidentin their buying decisions, and <em>appreciatedfor their business.  Showcasing best practices from brands as diverse as Lexus, Sephora, Allstate and the Minnesota Vikings NFL team,<em>Winning Her Businessoffers invaluable insights into women as consumers and shows that almost all businesses have an opportunity to create an inclusive customer experience that inspires increased sales, referrals, and repeat business.

E-Book Content

PRAISE FOR WINNING HER BUSINESS “Bridget Brennan provides us with a wonderful guide to navigating the world of women consumers. In Winning Her Business, Brennan gives readers valuable insights that can be leveraged from the corner office to the sales floor.” —­I NDRA K. NOOYI , Chairman, PepsiCo “In an era of unmatched speed, convenience, selection, and price, winning her business requires mastering every element of the customer experience, including human interaction. Brennan’s Four Motivators Framework ® is a smart and scalable road map to actionable changes that every business can leverage to succeed with one of the world’s largest growth markets.” —­TOM BARTLEY, Head of Retail, Google “At a time when a great customer experience is the expectation, Bridget Brennan’s book is right on target. Her research and insight offer a practical guide to providing a tailored customer experience for the largest growth market—­women! Her logical approach is intuitive and actionable for both men and women alike. This book should be required reading for all leaders, in order for their business to succeed in a modern economy.” —­P EGGY TURNER , Vice President, Guest Retention and Satisfaction, Lexus “Bridget Brennan is opening up our eyes to a compelling reality and to a significant business opportunity. Brennan’s new book is visionary and at the same time pragmatic and practical. It is a must read for anyone interested in enhancing the customer experience and looking for new business opportunities.” —­L AURENT FREIXE , Executive Vice President and CEO, Zone Americas, Nestlé S.A. WinningHerBusiness_content.indd 1 12/18/18 12:10 PM “Winning Her Business is a powerful resource for any business leader who aspires to create inclusive customer experiences, stay relevant, and forge authentic bonds with America’s new consumer. The book is chock full of highly actionable insights, and Brennan’s Four Motivators Framework ® should be leverageable for any business, regardless of industry, across all dimensions of difference, including gender and beyond.” —­S ANDY CROSS , Senior Director of Diversity and Inclusion, PGA of America “Few know more about female customers than Bridget Brennan. In Winning Her Business she shows how to transform the customer experience for women by engaging th
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