Enlightenment Who Cares?! The Unique Teaching Of Ramesh S. Balsekar

E-Book Overview

Consciousness is all there is. So 'who' is to know or seek 'what'? All there is is the impersonal functioning of Consciousness, or God, reflecting within Itself the totality of manifestation. Live life making decisions and accepting the consequences as if you have free will knowing it is Consciousness seeking, doing, living deciding... Ramesh Balsekar is an awakened sage whose long life has been devoted to Ramana Maharshi and whose final Guru was Nisargadatta Maharaj. He perfectly reflects both East and West-born and raised in Bombay, India, thinking and speaking in English, student of Sanskrit and translator of the Bhagavad Gita, intimately familiar with the Taoist and Chan classics as well as the new paradigm (Consciousness is all there is) which has emerged from quantum mechanics. Poignantly clear and precise and delightfully, humorous, his teaching makes life simple.

E-Book Content

ENLIGHTENMENT? WHO CARES! other Publications by Madhukar Thompson: Books Enlightenment: An Outbreak Enlightenment'May Or May Not Happen Teachings en Route to Freedom Ervlightenment: Never Found — Never Lost* Gentle Harruner, Friendly Sword, Silent Arrow* Post Card Books (Sets of cards taking a light-hearted look at different aspects of spirituality and the search for Truth) • • • • • • • • Enlightenment by Airmail Enlightenment a la Carte Zorba 'n Buddha Your Way to Freedom Of Jewels, Pigs and Freedom The Seeker and His Search * Meditation* Enlightenment* Master!" *Publication scheduled for July 1999 ENLIGHTENMENT? WHO CARES! A See^r's Quest for "EnCigfitenment witH ^mesfi S. (BaCse^r Edited by Madhukar Thompson NET! I'KI ^NETr All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mecharucal, including photocopying, recording, or by" any information storage and retrieval system v^ithout prior written permission from the publisher or his agents, except for the inclusion of brief quotatior\s in a review. Copyright © 1999 by Madhukar Thompson Pubhshed in India by NETI NETI PRESS 8 Sheetal Apts. Kawedewadi - Koregaon Park P. O. Box -194 Pune - 411001, India Tel./Fax: (91-20) 603338 E-mail: [email protected] www.neti-neti.org Printed by: MUDRA 383 Narayan Peth, Pune - 411030, India. ISBN 0-9665245-2-7 Dedicated to Sujaani The Neti Neti Press Logo The logo of Neti Neti Press symbolizes the non-duality of subject and object. All objective phenomena — including all forms and concepts — arise from, and dissolve back into, pure Subjectivity. The words "Neti Neti" (literally "not this, not this") remind us that this Subjectivity is indescribable. The scarecrow — a silent and ever-vigilant guardian — wards off all attempts to define It by "landing" concepts in Its immaculate, ineffable purity. Drawing its life from mud and water, the lotus blooms untouched by both. It represents the flowering of objective, phenomenal appearance that is ultimately identical with the pure Subjectivity from which it comes. The full moon's witnessing serenity symbolizes the one pure Subject, impartially illuminating and permeating all phenomenal appearances. In Its rays, the duality behind all conflicts and differences is dissolved; they are shown to be nothing but Its own expressior\s, and are therefore not other than It. The moon's cool hght thus evokes the peace, fulfilment and contentment of enlightenment — the simple realization of one's own Self. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This book appears as part of the impersor\al functior\ir\g of Totality or Consciousr\ess or God. For a book to be published, and brought to
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