Humanities Through The Arts
E-Book Information
Series: 10
Edition: 10
Pages: 447
Pages In File: 447
Language: English
Topic: 57
Org File Size: 115,615,782
Extension: pdf
Toc: COVER......Page 1 TITLE......Page 2 COPYRIGHT......Page 3 ABOUT THE AUTHORS......Page 4 BRIEF CONTENTS......Page 6 CONTENTS......Page 7 PREFACE......Page 12 The Humanities: A Study of Values......Page 22 Art, Commerce, and Taste......Page 25 Responses to Art......Page 26 EXPERIENCING: The Mona Lisa......Page 30 Structure and Artistic Form......Page 31 Perception......Page 32 Abstract Ideas and Concrete Images......Page 33 Summary......Page 37 2 What Is a Work of Art?......Page 38 Identifying Art Perceptually......Page 39 Artistic Form......Page 40 Participation......Page 44 Participation and Artistic Form......Page 46 Content......Page 47 Subject Matter and Artistic Form......Page 49 Participation, Artistic Form, and Content......Page 50 Artistic Form: Examples......Page 51 Subject Matter and Content......Page 55 EXPERIENCING: Interpretations of the Female Nude......Page 61 Summary......Page 62 You Are Already an Art Critic......Page 63 Three Kinds of Criticism......Page 64 Descriptive Criticism......Page 65 Interpretive Criticism......Page 69 Evaluative Criticism......Page 73 EXPERIENCING: The Polish Rider......Page 76 Summary......Page 77 Our Visual Powers......Page 79 Tempera......Page 80 Fresco......Page 82 Oil......Page 83 Acrylic......Page 85 Other Media and Mixed Media......Page 86 Line......Page 89 Color......Page 93 Composition......Page 94 The Clarity of Painting......Page 96 The "All-at-Onceness" of Painting......Page 98 Abstract Painting......Page 99 Intensity and Restfulness in Abstract Painting......Page 101 Comparison of Five Impressionist Paintings......Page 102 FOCUS ON: The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood......Page 107 Frames......Page 109 EXPERIENCING: Frames......Page 110 Summary......Page 111 5 Sculpture......Page 112 Sculpture and Painting Compared......Page 113 Sunken-Relief Sculpture......Page 115 Low-Relief Sculpture......Page 116 High-Relief Sculpture......Page 117 Sculpture in the Round......Page 118 Sculpture and Architecture Compared......Page 119 Sculpture and the Human Body......Page 120 Sculpture in the Round and the Human Body......Page 122 EXPERIENCING: Sculpture and Physical Size......Page 124 Truth to Materials......Page 125 Protest against Technology......Page 129 Accommodation with Technology......Page 131 Machine Sculpture......Page 133 Earth Sculpture......Page 134 FOCUS ON: African Sculpture......Page 135 Sculpture in Public Places......Page 138 Summary......Page 141 Centered Space......Page 142 Space and Architecture......Page 143 Chartres......Page 144 Living Space......Page 146 Technical Requirements of Architecture......Page 147 Functional Requirements of Architecture......Page 148 Revelatory Requirements of Architecture......Page 152 Site......Page 153 Gravity......Page 154 Raw Materials......Page 155 Centrality......Page 157 Sky-Oriented Architecture......Page 159 Axis Mundi......Page 162 Defiance of Gravity......Page 163 Integration of Light......Page 164 Earth-Resting Architecture......Pa