Spiral Dynamics In Action: Practical Application Of Spiral Dynamics In The Real World

E-Book Overview

A more effective leadership model for the new business environment.Spiral Dynamics in Actionexplores the evolution of modern business, and provides a model for moving forward amidst ever-increasing complexity and change. Only by truly understanding other people's perspectives can you bring them together to achieve the extraordinary, and this book provides a field guide to the different motivations, behaviours and talents in your team to help you lead diverse groups more effectively. Focused on action over theory, the Spiral Dynamics model includes cutting-edge leadership practices, management systems, processes, procedures and techniques to help you bring about real-world results. The nature of change is consistent, but that doesn't make it any less enormous or complex to deal with. As a business leader, you are tasked with not only navigating change yourself, but also guiding others through the maze successfully. This book shows you how to shift your perspective, hone your focus and deliver what your people need by: Understanding the reasoning behind different perspectives. Helping people play off one another's strengths to achieve a shared goal. Adopting cutting-edge practices, processes and procedures for improvement. Taking action to re-connect an increasingly fragmented environment. The marketplace has gone truly global, workforces are increasingly diverse and companies are taking on powerful new social responsibilities. It's a lot to take in, let alone manage, but the responsibility of leadership is to gather disparate parts and make them into a whole. It's your job to turn anchors into rocket fuel, and motivate and inspire your team to the top. By digging to the core of each person, each culture and each problem, you uncover a roadmap to high performance;Spiral Dynamics in Actionshows you how to guide your people through any changes and emerge stronger than before.

E-Book Content

“In the midst of mounting economic political and environmental challenges comes this extraordinary book as proof of the birth of the new leadership needed to save our planet. What Don Beck and his colleagues have penned on these pages is nothing short of genius…This is a must-read for leaders who are serious about becoming conscious trailblazers for our planet.” John Mackey, CEO, Whole Foods Market “Don Beck is not only a creator of new knowledge and a thought leader of repute but also a superb advisor, supporter, encourager with practical insight.” George Lindeque, PhD, Former Executive Director of ESKOM “Spiral Dynamics in Action gives a lens which illuminates trends amidst the world’s diversity that were invisible before. More importantly, this book gives us a perspective through which we can understand current affairs, crises and conflicts, and attempts to use this knowledge for the betterment of society, the environment and mankind. This field guide is a must-read for anyone wanting to understand and positively impact the world around them.” Rabbi Anton Klein, Union of Orthodox Synagogues (UOS) and Director of the Beth Din (The Jewish Ecclesiastical Court) “As with many such visionary-creative spirits, while being profoundly on target, Dr Beck may also be just slightly ahead of his time. This book represents the leading edge of Integral thinking-in-action. We now have a north star that can point our way home if we are willing and able to read our charts. This is the map.” Bert Parlee, PhD “Spiral Dynamics in Action took me on an exhilarating ride of self-discovery, and provided me with the tools to thrive in a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural environment. The authors of Spiral Dynamics in Action made Clare W. Graves’s work on the ‘Emergent, Cyclical, Double Helix Model of Adult Biopsychosocial Development’ meaningful and practical to implement in everyday life. Reading the book has transformed my life. It is
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