Scientific American (january 2002)

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NUCLEAR ENERGY’S NEXT GENERATION • THE ECONOMICS OF FAIR PLAY JANUARY 2002 WWW.SCIAM.COM PLUS: Between the Stars Answering the Skeptical Environmentalist Copyright 2001 Scientific American, Inc. $4.95 contents january 2002 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Volume 286 Number 1 features ASTRONOMY 34 The Gas between the Stars BY RONALD J. REYNOLDS Filled with colossal fountains of hot gas and vast bubbles from exploding stars, the interstellar medium is far from dull. EXCLUSIVE 44 The First Human Cloned Embryo BY JOSE B. CIBELLI, ROBERT P. LANZA AND MICHAEL D. WEST, WITH CAROL EZZELL For the first time, human embryos have been created by two extraordinary means: cloning and parthenogenesis. A firsthand report by the research team. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 52 A Vertical Leap for Microchips BY THOMAS H. LEE Engineers have discovered how to pack more computing power into microcircuits: build them vertically as well as horizontally. ENVIRONMENT 61 Misleading Math about the Earth ESSAYS BY STEPHEN SCHNEIDER, JOHN P. HOLDREN, JOHN BONGAARTS AND THOMAS LOVEJOY The book The Skeptical Environmentalist uses statistics to dismiss warnings about peril for the planet. But the science suggests that it’s the author who is out of touch with the facts. ENERGY 72 Next-Generation Nuclear Power BY JAMES A. LAKE, RALPH G. BENNETT AND JOHN F. KOTEK Advanced nuclear power plants might be the best way to meet future energy needs without worsening global warming. SOCIOLOGY 82 The Economics of Fair Play BY KARL SIGMUND, ERNST FEHR AND MARTIN A. NOWAK Biology and economics may explain why we value fairness over rational selfishness. 44 Cloned six-cell hum
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