Cfa 2019 Schweser - Level 1 Schwesernotes Book 1: Ethical And Professional Standards And Quantitative Methods

E-Book Overview

SCHWESERNOTES™ 2019 LEVEL I CFA® BOOK 1: ETHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS AND QUANTITATIVE METHODS The study tool that started it all is taking CFA® exam prep to the next level. A favorite among CFA candidates for nearly 30 years, SchweserNotes™ is a key component as you prepare for the CFA exam and the core element to our Study Program. Absorbing the CFA curriculum in its entirety is no simple task. Make the most of your study time with clear, exam-focused study notes and examples that cover every Learning Outcome Statement in the most effective manner possible. More than just textbooks. SchweserNotes™ were first introduced in 1990 and quickly took off as a “must have” for CFA candidates. And although they are still available as physical books, as technology and candidate needs have evolved, so have SchweserNotes™: SchweserNotes™ eBooks are now included with each order of the Notes, making it easier for you to study on-the-go.

E-Book Content

需要最新CFA、FRM、ACCA、AQF资料欢迎添加微信286982279 需要最新CFA、FRM、ACCA、AQF资料欢迎添加微信286982279 需要最新CFA、FRM、ACCA、AQF资料欢迎添加微信286982279 Contents 1. Welcome to the 2019 SchweserNotes™ 2. Learning Outcome Statements (LOS) 3. Study Session 1—Ethical and Professional Standards 1. Reading 1: Ethics and Trust in the Investment Profession 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 1.1: Ethics and Trust 3. Key Concepts 4. Answer Key for Module Quiz 2. Reading 2: Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 2.1: Code and Standards 3. Answer Key for Module Quiz 3. Reading 3: Guidance for Standards I–VII 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 3.1: Guidance for Standards I(A) and I(B) 3. Module 3.2: Guidance for Standards I(C) and I(D) 4. Module 3.3: Guidance for Standard II 5. Module 3.4: Guidance for Standards III(A) and III(B) 6. Module 3.5: Guidance for Standards III(C), III(D), and III(E) 7. Module 3.6: Guidance for Standard IV 8. Module 3.7: Guidance for Standard V 9. Module 3.8: Guidance for Standard VI 10. Module 3.9: Guidance for Standard VII 11. Answer Key for Module Quizzes 4. Reading 4: Introduction to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 4.1: Introduction to GIPS 3. Key Concepts 4. Answer Key for Module Quiz 5. Reading 5: The GIPS Standards 1. Module 5.1: The GIPS Standards 2. Key Concepts 3. Answer Key for Module Quiz 4. Topic Assessment: Ethical and Professional Standards 5. Topic Assessment Answers: Ethical and Professional Standards 6. Study Session 2—Quantitative Methods (1) 1. Reading 6: The Time Value of Money 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 6.1: EAY and Compounding Frequency 3. Module 6.2: Calculating PV and FV 4. Module 6.3: Uneven Cash Flows 需要最新CFA、FRM、ACCA、AQF资料欢迎添加微信286982279 需要最新CFA、FRM、ACCA、AQF资料欢迎添加微信286982279 5. Key Concepts 6. Answer Key for Module Quizzes 2. Reading 7: Discounted Cash Flow Applications 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 7.1: NPV, IRR, and HPR 3. Module 7.2: Returns and Yields 4. Key Concepts 5. Answer Key for Module Quizzes 3. Reading 8: Statistical Concepts and Market Returns 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 8.1 Describing Data Sets 3. Module 8.2: Means and Variance 4. Module 8.3: Skew, Kurtosis, and Sharpe Ratio 5. Key Concepts 6. Answer Key for Module Quizzes 4. Reading 9: Probability Concepts 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 9.1: Conditional and Joint Probabilities 3. Module 9.2: Conditional Expectations, Correlation 4. Module 9.3: Portfolio Variance, Bayes, and Counting Problems 5. Key Concepts 6. Answer Key for Module Quizzes 7. Study Session 3—Quantitative Methods (2) 1. Reading 10: Common Probability Distributions 1. Exam Focus 2. Module 10.1: Uniform and Binomial Distributions 3. Module 10.2: Normal Distributions 4. Module 10.3: Lognormal Distribution, Simulations 5. Key Concepts 6. Answer Key for Module Quizzes 2. Reading 11: Sampling and Estimation 1. Exam Focus 2. Mod
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