Dusk And Dawn. Literature Between Two Centuries

E-Book Overview

This monograph, penned by an interdisciplinary team of philologists from the Faculty of Arts of Charles University and their European colleagues, examines European and American literatures from the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, tracing not only the trends common to the whole cultural region but also the differences manifested in particular national literatures. The book is divided into two parts: the first explores the transformation of paradigms in literature and literary criticism; the second offers portraits of individual writers, figures and myths from the period broadly understood as the “epoch of Symbolism”. The book attests very clearly to the fact that despite local differences, Euro-American literatures faced a common set of problems that included the crisis of modern culture, the confutation of Positivism, the relativisation of art forms and genres, and the problematisation of the subject. The book makes a contribution to a re-evaluation of this period and to a greater awareness of its significance for self-reflection and a possible renaissance of modern culture.

E-Book Content

dusk and dawn literature between two centuries Eva Voldřichová Beránková / Šárka Grauová (eds.) Dusk and Dawn Literature between Two Centuries Eva Voldřichová Beránková, Šárka Grauová (eds.) This volume as a whole is a result of the research and editorial activity funded by the Czech Science Foundation as the project GAČR 14–01821S entitled Attempting the Renaissance of the West. Literary and Intellectual Climate at the Turn of the 20th Century, 2014–2016, implemented at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University. This volume has been peer-reviewed by: prof. PhDr. Zuzana Malinovská, CSc. prof. PhDr. Petr Kyloušek, CSc. Editors © Eva Voldřichová Beránková, Šárka Grauová, 2017 Translations © Pavlína Morgan, Tim Morgan, 2017 Copyright © Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, 2017 Cover Illustration: Egon Schiele: Autumn Sun, 1912 All rights reserved ISBN 978-80-7308-704-3 (print) ISBN 978-80-7308-712-8 (online : pdf) CONTENTS Introduction ◆ Eva Voldřichová Beránková 7 I.  The positivist era: Affections and disaffections In search of new directions for European civilisation: The philosophy of the history of Russian Symbolism  ◆  Vladimír Svatoň 15 España, 1900: el renacimiento de la modernidad  ◆  Juan A. Sánchez Fernández 32 Shadows in the backlands: The Brazilian regionalist short story at the turn of the twentieth century  ◆  Šárka Grauová 87 American Modernism in broader perspective  ◆  Eva Kalivodová De l’énorme au hénaurme : le rire sans limites. Quelques observations sur les aléas de l’humour à la Belle Époque  ◆  Václav Jamek The “knights of the spirit” and their crusade against Verism: The state of Italian prose in the 1890s  ◆  Alice Flemrová The defence of poetry in Hispano­‑American Modernism  ◆  Anna Housková 60 107 162 182 II.  Fin de siècle: People, places, myths and movements Hacia Eugenio de Castro en la galería de raros  ◆  Gema Areta Marigó Un naturalisme symboliste? Émile Zola comme critique littéraire ◆ Eva Voldřichová Beránková The elitist conception of culture and literature in the essays and lectures of Georg Brandes and Knut Hamsun  ◆  Martin Humpál Entre critique et fiction : comment écrire un roman en 1884?  ◆  Marie­‑Françoise Melmoux­‑Montaubin De l’un au deux : dans l’entre­‑deux. Symbolisme ou décadence?  ◆  Catherine Ébert­‑Zeminová Inadequacy and the bourgeois age: Thomas Mann and Hugo von Hofmannsthal ◆ Štěpán Sirovátka Proust and literature: The elusiveness of the past against the “defeatism of the heart”  ◆  Eva Blinková­‑Pelánová
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