Nature (vol. 437, No. 7055, 1 September 2005)

E-Book Content

Volume 437 Number 7055 pp1-168 In this issue (1 September 2005) • Commentaries • Books and Arts • News and Views • Editorials • Brief Communications • Research Highlights • Brief Communications Arising • News (this content only available online) • News Features • The Chimpanzee Genome • Business • Progress • Correspondence • Articles • Letters • Naturejobs • Futures Editorials Responding to uncertainty p1 Public controversies that involve scientific uncertainty can be influenced by mavericks. Open confrontation and analysis serves the public better than excommunication. Still not deterred p1 Universities should back researchers determined to stand up for animal research in the face of terrorism. Three cheers p2 This issue of Nature includes several reasons for editorial celebration. Research Highlights Research highlights p4 News Advice on nuclear safety set for update in wake of floods p6 Tsunami highlights reactor vulnerability. Quirin Schiermeier Snapshot: Sea heats up for hurricane season p7 Satellite shows warm ocean waters. Hospital closure puts tissue bank in jeopardy p7 Pathologists ponder fate of key medical repository. Geoff Brumfiel Designs on Europa unfurl p8 Earth flyby may bring mission within NASA's budget. Tony Reichhardt Scientist quits climate-change panel p9 Row over report prompts resignation. Geoff Brumfiel NIH ethics rules come off probation p9 Ban on consulting fees to be reviewed next year. Emma Marris Governors take the initiative over US carbon dioxide emissions p11 Nine states impose limits on greenhouse-gas pollution. Emma Marris Sidelines p12 Satellite view alerts China to soaring pollution p12 Air quality is worse than thought — and is deteriorating fast. David Cyranoski Commuters remain stoical in face of terrorist attacks p13 Experie