Nature (vol. 438, No. 7068, 1 December 2005)

E-Book Content

Volume 438 Number 7068 pp531-710 In this issue (1 December 2005) • • • • • • Editorials Research Highlights News News Features Business Correspondence Also this week • Editor's Summary • Authors • Nature Podcast • Books and Arts • News and Views • Brief Communications • Brief Communications Arising (this content only available online) • Insight • Articles • Letters • Technology Features • Naturejobs • Futures Editorials Let data speak to data p531 Web tools now allow data sharing and informal debate to take place alongside published papers. But to take full advantage, scientists must embrace a culture of sharing and rethink their vision of databases. Life at the edge p531 Successes in structural studies of membrane proteins deserve to be celebrated. Stem-cell probe needed p532 South Korea would benefit from investigating what went wrong in its leading stem-cell lab. Research Highlights Research highlights p534 News Clone star admits lies over eggs p536 Calls for fuller investigation as national hero confesses. David Cyranoski and Erika Check Antarctic ice puts climate predictions to the test p536 Frozen record of the past reveals models' shortcomings. Michael Hopkin Titan: tapping the flood of data p538 The first analyses of the Huygens mission to Titan are published this week. Mark Peplow charts the satellite's transition from fogbound moon to familiar landscape, and finds out why scientists long to return. Rocky future predicted for labs that rely on postdocs p541 Dependence on foreign expertise threatens US research. Geoff Brumfiel Sidelines p541 Europe's cash crisis puts space plans under threat p542 ESA budget review puts mission to Mercury in jeopardy Jenny Hogan Hayabusa ready to head home with asteroid sample p542 Concern over engine damage mars celebrations. Ichiko Fuyuno News in brief p544 News Features Science in the web age: The expanding electronic universe