Nature (vol. 435, No. 7043, 9 June 2005)

E-Book Content

Volume 435 Number 7043 pp713-854 In this issue (9 June 2005) • • • • • • • • • Editorials Research Highlights News News Features Business Correspondence Commentary • • • • • • Books and Arts Essay News and Views Brief Communications Articles Letters Naturejobs Futures Editorials All or nothing at Fermilab p713 These days, it takes a brave laboratory to hitch its future to the construction of a brand-new particle accelerator — but Fermilab has elected to do just that. Kyoto — the sequel p713 Better knowledge of the carbon cycle could provide a basis for future climate-change agreements. Talent worth nurturing p714 More should be done to draw people with disabilities into scientific careers. Research Highlights Research highlights p716 News Chemistry society goes head to head with NIH in fight over public database p718 Free molecule registry triggers the wrath of a larger, fee-based effort. Emma Marris One in three scientists confesses to having sinned p718 Misconduct ranges from faking results outright to dropping suspect data points. Meredith Wadman Blue Brain boots up to mixed response p720 Swiss supercomputer faces brainy task of modelling neural circuits. Jim Giles Europe halts decisions on stem-cell patents p720 Ethical concerns put applications on hold indefinitely. Sonja Schubert Soap opera reaps prize for its clean message p723 Radio programme entertains but also educates about sustainable farming practices. Jessica Ebert Snapshot: Sunlight on an icy martian crater p723 First three-dimensional colour image reveals a frozen wonder. Sidelines p724 Pall hangs over desert's future as alien weeds fuel wildfires p724 Invasive species add to fire risk in Sonoran ecosystem. Quirin Schiermeier Evolutionist row makes museum ditch donation p725 But intelligent-design group will show movie on Smithsonian premises. Geoff Brumfiel News in brief p726 C