The World Poets Quarterly

E-Book Overview

△ This journal is the only quarterly for the purely modern poems published in the multilingual languages such as Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Greek and the contributor’s mother tongue, circulated in over 190 countries. It is a joint journal for members of World Congress of Poets (WCP) and The International Poetry Translation and Research Centre (IPTRC) International Writers and Artists Association (IWA) and International Society of Greek Writers & Arts (ISGWA). △ Welcome are those poetic works, poetic criticisms, poetic stories and interviews of poets, critics, translators and sinologists and historical materials. △Contributions will not be revised except for some technical treatment. Due to the limitation of time and manpower, all contributions including a short resume of your art experience and achievement and two color photographs must be written in two or more than two kinds of languages and sent via e-mail to: [email protected] or [email protected] No contribution will be accepted if it is inadequate. △ No contribution will be returned. If demanded, please add adequate postage and envelops. △ Contributors are responsible for legal matters. This journal is not jointly responsible for the illegal writings and pictures. △ This journal has the right to select and publish the writings and pictures published in this journal. △ Welcome to contribution and subscription. Anyone who subscribed this journal will be favored in his contribution provided that his is equally qualified as others. Price: 1 year (4 issues) US$80.00 or EUR80.00. △ All publishing expenditures are raised by the editors (No financial allocations), and there is no pay for contributions. You will be offered a copy of our journal when your contribution is published. △ Please mail to: Dr. ZHANG ZHI The Journal of the World Poets Quarterly, P. O. Box 031, Guanyinqiao, Jiangbei District, Chongqing City 400020, P. R. CHINA

E-Book Content

分哥该人_ THE WORLD POETS QUARTERLY VOLUME No.91 IN TOTAL 总第9 1 期 创 办 者 :张 智 余 海 涛 蔡 丽 双 |露 丝玛丽 •(:•威尔金森| Founders: Dr. Zhang Zhi Dr. Yu Haitao Dr. Choi Laisheung + Dr. Rosemary C.Wilkinson 创 刊日期:公元1995年5 月8 日 Start Date: May 8, 1995 出版日期:公元2018年8月8 日 Published Date: August 8, 2018 主办单位:国际诗歌翻译研究中心 国际文学艺术学院 《国际汉语诗坛》编辑部 社 Sponsor: THE INTERNATIONAL POETRY TRANSLATION AND RESEARCH CENTRE INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF ARTS AND LETTERS 址 :1550 W 68th Ave,Vancouver, BC, Canada V6 P 2V5, The Editorial Office Address: P.O.Box 031,Guanyinqiao,Jiangbei District, CANADA (加 拿 大 ) Chongqing City,P.R.CHINA 编辑部地址:中国重庆市江北区观音桥邮局031信箱 Post code: 400020 Tel: 13452083776 邮政编码:400020 电话:13452083776 Honorary Advisors: Baek Han-yi Chan Sirisuwat Jidi Majia 荣誉顾问:白 汉 伊 陈 颖 杜 吉 狄 马 加 Art Advisors(Foreign): Chrissoula Varveri-Varra [GREECE] Imatsuji Kazunori [JAPAN] 艺术顾问(外国):克 里 苏 拉 •瓦 维 莉 •瓦 拉 (希 腊 ) Goran Malmqvist [SWEDEN] 今迁和典(日本) 马悦然(瑞典) 特丽辛卡•佩雷拉(巴西)弗 罗 仁 汀 •司 马 仁 达 齐 (美 国 ) 米 格 尔 •奥 斯 卡 •梅 纳 萨 (西 班 牙 )高利克(斯洛伐克) S • M •伊夫特卡(孟加拉) Teresinka Pereira [BRAZIL] Florentin Smarandache [USA] Miguel Oscar Menassa [SPAIN] Marian Galik [SLOVAKIA] S.M.Iftekhar [BANGLADESH] Yong Ho-Lee [KOREA] Bogumil Wtorkiewicz [POLAND] Adolf P.Shvedchikov [RUSSIA] Nadia-Cella POP [ROMANIA] G.Stendig-Lindberg [ISRAEL] Kwasi Asante [GHANA] 娜迪亚-契拉•勃普(罗马尼亚)