Nature (vol. 430, No. 7002, 19 August 2004)

E-Book Content

Vol 430 No 7002 pp815-949 Editorials News News Feature Correspondence Commentary Books and Arts Essay News and Views Brief Communications Articles Letters to Nature Outlook Naturejobs 19 August 2004 Editorials Passing the torch 815 With the death of Francis Crick, biology is mourning one of its deepest thinkers. A work of futurology, published in 1970, reveals the extent of his prescience — and suggests challenges for today's theorists. Let's blame Canada 815 Americans should worry less about their neighbour and more about the prestige of regulators who protect public health. News Biologists fear cloning hype will undermine stem-cell research 817 Talk of disease cures obscures challenges facing cloning teams Crisis foments as unstable lake builds in the Himalayas 818 Indian scientists say China is denying access to dammed river Climate modellers go local to target California's politicians 818 Regional study ushers in new generation of forecasts Newton's religious screeds get online airing 819 Biblical musings reveal another side of the father of modern science Firm sets sights on gene silencing to protect vision 819 RNA technology on track for first clinical trials Kerry pledges to axe Yucca Mountain nuclear-waste dump 820 Troubled repository embroiled in US election race Researchers seek to turn the tide on problem of acid seas 820 Rising carbon dioxide levels could devastate marine ecosystems Sick veterans pin hopes on Gulf War inquiry 821 Confusion surrounds cause of veterans' ill-health Plan for light relay sparks heated opposition 821 Physics celebrations will cause light pollution, say astronomers news in brief 822 News Feature CERN: The show goes on 824 CERN, the centre for particle physics in Europe, has been smashing its way through the subatomic world for the past 50 years. Alison Abbott finds out what's in store for the future. I Archaeology: Pyramid power 828 Archaeol
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