Nature (vol. 430, No. 6999, 29 July 2004)

E-Book Content

Vol 430 No 6999 pp489-592 Editorials News News Feature Correspondence Books and Arts Essay News and Views Brief Communications Brief Communications Arising Progress Articles Letters to Nature Naturejobs 29 July 2004 Editorials Tribal culture versus genetics 489 A dispute between researchers and a small Native American tribe has cast an unduly large shadow over genetics. Both sides have much to gain from deeper communication, aided by those who belong to both communities. States versus gases 489 A state-led lawsuit against greenhouse-gas emitters highlights a forceful regional movement in US climate policy. News Lawyers blast nuclear pact as a breach of disarmament treaty 491 Energy labs halt classified research amid security fears 491 Joint suits aim to weed out agencies' red tape 492 Sea snapshots will map frequency of freak waves 492 Dinosaur eggs escape sale as smuggling claims unearthed 493 Swedish enthusiasm peps up plans for neutron source 493 Winged messenger set to follow ancient mariner to Mercury 494 Russian bid to drill Antarctic lake gets chilly response 494 Tough talker quits Congress for bioindustry 495 Biologists lobby China's government for funding reform 495 news in brief 496 News Feature What's in a name? 498 Physicists agree that experiments at the Brookhaven atom collider have created a new form of matter. But theorists and experimentalists are still arguing about what to call it. Geoff Brumfiel investigates. When two tribes go to war 500 Medical geneticists and isolated Native American communities afflicted by inherited diseases should have much to gain from working together. But the relationship can go sour, as Rex Dalton finds out. I Correspondence If you can lose a driving licence, why not a PhD? 503 A doctorate is seen as a licence to do science. It should be revocable for misconduct. Species problem solved 100 years ago 503 Tight budget should fund benef
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