Materials For Engineers And Technicians Fourth Edition

E-Book Overview

This renowned text has provided many thousands of students with an easily accessible introduction to the wide ranging subject area of materials engineering and manufacturing processes for over thirty years. Avoiding the excessive technical jargon and mathematical complexity so often found in textbooks for this subject, and retaining the practical down-to-earth approach for which this book is noted, Materials for Engineers and Technicians is now thoroughly updated and fully in line with current syllabus requirements. Offering a comprehensive guide to materials used by engineers, their applications and selection in a single volume, the fourth edition focuses on applications and selection - reflecting the increased emphasis on this aspect of materials engineering now seen within current vocational and university courses. Materials properties and relevance to particular uses are addressed in detail from the outset, with all subsequent chapters linking back to these essential concepts. Detailed discussion of examples of materials, and additional applications of processes have been incorporated throughout the text, with expanded sections addressing the causes of failure as this relates to material selection. Updated sections in the fourth edition provide a wider ranging discussion of titanium, printed-circuit-board materials and production, silicon chip production, and the applications and forms of modern composite materials. This new edition has been matched closely to the relevant units of the BTEC Higher National Engineering program, as well as catering fully for the requirements of a Level 3 audience. Students of BTEC Nationals will find that the new edition structure covers all the essential topics required for their courses in the early chapters (chapters 1 - 8). Those students following higher level qualifications (HNC / D Engineering, and first year undergraduate Engineering Materials modules within Mechanical, Manufacturing Systems and also Electrical & Electronic Engineering degree courses) will find additional more advanced topics are addressed in the second half of the book. In addition to meeting the requirements of vocational and undergraduate engineering syllabuses, this text will also prove a valuable desktop reference for professional engineers working in product design, who require a quick source of information on materials and manufacturing processes. * Established and renowned text, now completely restructured to match current BTEC National and Higher National syllabus specifications * New edition provides greater emphasis on materials selection, with a new chapter outlining material properties and their relevance to a variety of uses, reflecting current FE and HE course requirements * Avoids excessive technical jargon and mathematical complexity common in textbooks for this subject

E-Book Content

Materials for Engineers and Technicians To the memory of my father Victor Higgins 1882-1942 Watchmaker As a small boy, standing by his workbench, I learned how to harden steel and brass. Materials for Engineers and Technicians Fourth Edition Raymond A. Higgins BSc (Birm), C.Eng., FIM Former Senior Lecturer in Materials Science, The College of Commerce and Technology, West Bromwich; some time Chief Metallurgist, Messrs Aston Chain and Hook Ltd., Birmingham; and Examiner in Metallurgy to The Institution of Production Engineers, The City and Guilds of London Institute, The Union of Lancashire and Cheshire Institutes, and The Union of Educational Institutes AMSTERDAM NEW YORK • • OXFORD OXFORD AMSTERDAM ••BOSTON ••HEIDELBERG ••LONDON ••NEW PARIS • TOKYO PARIS ••SAN SAN DIEGO DIEGO ••SAN SAN FRANCISCO ••SINGAPORE ••SYDNEY • ELSEVIER ELSEVIER Newnes Newnes isis an an imprint imprint of of Elsevier Elsevier Ne W n eS Newnes is an imprint of Eisevi
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