Forever Ambridge: Twenty-five Years Of The Archers

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FOREVER AMBRIDGE Twenty-five Years of "TH E ARCHERS" NORMAN PAINTING The Archers, the best-loved and longest-running BBC radio serial is twenty-five years old. The story of that incredible quarter of a century is told by one of the original members of the cast who has played the same part continuously from the beginning, Norman Painting known to millions as ‘Philip Archer5. This happy book traces the progress of the programme from its humble beginnings in Midland Region to its place as one of the accepted institutions of life in Britain today. No pains have been spared to ensure the accuracy of the facts of the story, but this is not so much a history as a a celebration: an affectionate review of those phenomenal years during which the members of the Archer family and their friends in ‘Ambridge5won their place in the hearts of so many people. Anecdotes abound and the author deals hilariously with the occupational hazards of being an ‘Archer5 but the fun and hard work behind the microphone are not forgotten. In spite of television, The Archers still measures its audience in millions of listeners, very many of whom will welcome this book, not only for its fascinating illustrations and family tree, but because it is an authentic souvenir of the years they have lived through with the Archer family, written at first hand by someone who was there. No one is better fitted to chronicle this human story than Norman Painting who became one of the programme’s main scriptwriters, under the pen-name Bruno Milna. Few programmes have given greater pleasure to ordinary people than The Archers: this heart-warming book will surely give similar pleasure to a wide variety of readers. Jacket photo: NOEL HABGOOD, F.R.P.S. £ 3-75 net Tfte\jKxcfver William Forrest m Lisa. (dec.) (dec.) Ftomas William (Tom) m Frudence Harris (Fru) Edward (jeonje (Ted) Tori; b.20.10.1910 b, 27.7.1921 10.1.1902-17.1.1920 b.11.7.190 John (Jack) m Jviargaret (Peggy) Perkins 17.12.1922-13.1.1972 b. 13.11.1924 [ ShulaJ b. 8.8.19; I I Jennifer m Roger Travcrs-JAacy Lilian m (1) Lester Nicholson Anthony Willi b.7.1,1945 b. 9.3.1944 b, 8.7.1947 7.6.1946-18.5.1970 b. 16.2.1951 m (2) Ralph Bellamy b. 26.2.1925 ^ d a tn Deborah b. 22. 6.67 b. 24. 12.70 James Rodney Dominic b. 30.5.1973 ffonbridge JohnjKrchcr m Phoebe (Me.) i**-) Paniel John Benjamin (Ben) m Simone Pelamain b. 15.10,1896 b. 27.5.1898 “ 1900-1929 I Pltilip Waltrer in (1) Gjmce Pairbrother 6.25,4,1928 2.4.1929-22.9.1955 m (2) Jill Patterson Trank m Laura Wilson 1.6.1900- b.29.8.1901 30.5.1957 Christine m Pauljohnson b.21.12.1931 b.10.1.1931 b. 3.10.1930 y Kenton Edward Pavid "iftomas Elizabeth b. 8.8.1958 t>.18,9.1959 Paniel (Tony) m Patricia Lewis b. 10.1.1952 ? b.2.1.1976 b.21.4.1967 Peter (adopted) t. 5.9.1965 Twenty-five years of THE ARCHERS Norman Painting M IC H A E L JO SEPH B Y A R R A N G E M E N T W IT H T H E B R IT IS H B R O A D C A ST IN G C O R P O R A T IO N First published in Great Britain by Michael Joseph Ltd, 53 Bedford Square, London, W.C. 1 1975 © 1975 by Norman Painting All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Copyright owner ISBN o 7181 1423 1 Set and printed in Great Britain by Northumberland Press Ltd, Gateshead in Baskerville type, 10 point leaded and bound by R