Three Essays On The "hildebrandslied"

E-Book Overview

"Three Essays on the "Hildebrandslied"," by Frederick Norman, O.B.E., Late Professor of German, King's College, London, and Director of the Institute of Germanic Studies, reprinted and edited in honour of his memory on behalf of the Institute of Germanic Studies by A. T. Hatto, M.A., Fellow of King's College, London, together with a letter by Andreas Heusler

E-Book Content

Publications of the Institute of Germanic Studies Volume 1 6 TH REE ESSAYS ON THE H IL D E B R A N D SL IE D THREE ESSAYS ON THE HILDEBRANDS LIED by F R E D E R I C K N O R M A N , o.b.e . Late Professor o f German, King’s College, London and Director o f the Institute o f Germanic Studies reprinted and edited in honour o f his memory on behalf o f the Institute o f Germanic Studies by A. T. H atto , m .a . Fellow o f K ing’s College, London together with a letter b y Andreas Heusler IN STITU TE OF G ER M A N IC U N IV ER SITY STU D IES OF LO ND O N 1973 International Standard Book N o . o 85457 052 7 © The Institute o f Germanic Studies London PRINTED BY W . S. MANEY AN D SON LTD LEEDS L S 9 7DL ENGLAND CONTENTS page A cknowledgments vii Curriculum V itae ix Introduction by A . T. H atto i T hree E ssays by F rederick N orman I — Some Problems o f the Hildebrandslied II — Hildebrand and Hadubrand 9 33 III — Das Lied vom Alten Hildebrand 51 A L etter to F. N orman from A ndreas H eusler 83 v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to thank the following for their invaluable assistance with this volum e: M rs Martha Norman, for lending me Andreas Heusler’s letter to her late husband and allowing me to print it here; Professor Leonard Forster o f the University o f Cam­ bridge, for agreeing to let me reprint his tribute to Frederick Norman, here reproduced from The Times by permission; Professor Peter G anz o f the University o f Oxford, for help and encouragement in the early stages; Professor Emeritus William Robson-Scott, H onorary Director o f the Institute, for his general supervision and advice; Maurice O ’ C. Walshe Esq., M.A., Deputy Director o f the Institute and a fellow pupil o f Norm an’s, for reading the proofs with m e; V . J . Riley Esq., M.A., A.L.A., Librarian o f the Institute, for his assistance in preparing the typescript for the press; and the Institute’s Committee o f Management and Publications Committee under the Chairmanship o f D r G . Templeman, m .a ., f .s .a ., for their unfailing support during this undertaking. A . T . H. F R E D E R IC K N O R M A N , o.b .e ., m.a ., f .s.a ., was bom in London on 23 November 1897. He was educated partly in Germany and during the 19 14 -19 19 War he was interned at Ruhleben. After the War he studied at University College, London, where he held the post o f Assistant, later Lecturer, in German from 1922 to 1930. Between 1926 and 1930 he also acted as Head o f the Department o f German at Reading University. In 1930 he was appointed Reader in Medieval German at K ing’s College and University College, London, and in 1937 he succeeded to the Chair o f German at K in g’s College. From 1939 to 1945 he was attached to the Foreign Office, latterly as Liaison Officer to the A ir Ministry, with the honorary rank o f Wing-Commander. He served as a member o f the Senate o f the University o f London from 1938 to 1966 and was Dean o f the Faculty o f Arts, University o f London, from 1946 to 1950 and Dean o f the Faculty o f Arts, K in g ’s College, from 1946 to 1948. He held the post o f Honorary Director o f the Institute o f Germanic Studies, University o f London, from 1956 to 1965. He