Getting Started With S-plus 6 For Windows

E-Book Content

Getting Started with S-PLUS 6 for Windows July 2001 Insightful Corporation Seattle, Washington Proprietary Notice Insightful Corporation owns both this software program and its documentation. Both the program and documentation are copyrighted with all rights reserved by Insightful Corporation. The correct bibliographical reference for this document is as follows: Getting Started with S-PLUS 6 for Windows, Insightful Corporation, Seattle, WA. Printed in the United States. Copyright Notice Copyright © 1987-2001, Insightful Corporation. All rights reserved. Insightful Corporation 1700 Westlake Avenue N, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98109-3044 USA ii CONTENTS Chapter 1 What’s New in S-PLUS 6 1 S Version 4 Engine 1 S-PLUS GraphletsTM 1 Microsoft Excel 2 CONNECT/C++ 2 Statistics 3 Graphics 5 Data Import and Export 5 Project Folders and Chapters 6 Object Explorer 6 Additional Features 6 Chapter 2 Quick Tour 9 Overview 10 Getting Data 11 Creating a 2D Graph 13 Performing a Linear Regression 15 Identifying and Labeling Data Points 18 Editing a Graph 20 Creating a 3D Graph 21 Viewing Objects and Databases 24 Organizing Your Work 26 iii Contents Chapter 3 Extended Tour Importing a File 31 Editing Variable Names and Adding Descriptions 33 Variable Names 33 Column Descriptions 33 Creating a 2D Graph 34 Changing Graph Features 35 Axes and Labels 35 Plot