An Outline Grammar And Dictionary Of The Kachari (dimasa) Language

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This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. (ШТШЕ (HL АИ ШСТШ CE ТИК KACHABI (DIMASA) LAIGUAGE. (Based on Маш Chaean Basíian's Kachari Grammar) W. С. M. DUNDAS, Diílrict Suneriuieadent of Police. -#v- «ft» PUBU^HBD BY AuTilOftlTY. PEINTED AT THE ЕАЗТЕЗЛ' SENSAL AND AädAM SECBETAJBIAT PRESS. í'jua. Prlev £4. З.3 iPritxéí. Od. Г" " " -- - HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY FROM THE BEQUEST OF ROLAND BURRAGE DIXON CLASS OF 1897 PROFESSOR OF ANTHROPOLOGY 1916-1935 Х- - , штнотз (vsviAiia) татдмтт ля as. o *w 'svaNna agHsnan^ ¿a ииионллу аэхкгаз iv них уя^хвтя чуокяя . *¿v y V г ' .V л m-la j this (efnphatic) ... ôbô-la, that (emphatic) ... С SbôniiM-la. {(bô ôbôniski-la. T'ne' above may all be declined in both numbers like Nouns, or Personal Pronouns. Reflexive Pronouns. There are no Reflexive Pronouns in the Kachari language. Tlfe' réflècive' síénse' is hdwevèr expressed as follows -.— \ . - ' âng ga'okha, Í shot. âng gaothai lâkha, I shot myself, or ,- ^ àng-khê-nu âng gaothai lâkha, I shot myself. bô-khe-nu bô gaothai lâkha, he shot himself. : .:, : jmg dalfigthüi МШа, we cut oUíselvés. jing daingthai lâdu, we are cutting ourselves. - è%oJk%é ШаШгтапъ khálái-hi âng-khe-nu âng riiUíu Шщ I blame myself for doing this. ' fféhceJf;rïe Verb is changed into a noun, and the verb iâma to bring used to express the reflexive action. Notb.—Care must be taken not to confuse the nouns gaothai, dàintjthai derived from the verb* gaoma, to shuot, .and daiagma, to cut, with -the verb '0 : gaothaima, to shoot dead, and dainglhaima, to kill by cuttiftg, Indefinite Pronouns. The following are in general use, musibo, musibo niya, khaisabo khurubbo, (plains) khiripbo, (hills) maphrong, gubun, gabâng, khaisa, Jisâbâbo, *anything. nothing. something. I every thing. each, other, many, few. some one ; nishi-Ъо. as many, so many. isi-Mnghi, ôdelai-bânghi, plural, jisaba- rt bisi (when placed before noun) bisilai (when placed after a noun) • how many. Verbs. In Kachari the verb remains unchanged through the threepersons in both numbers. The simplest form of the verb is found in the Imperative as—khalái, do; nu, see; thâvg, go ; phai, come, etc. The tense endings are Present du, Present Perfect kha, Past Perfect ba, Past Imperfect bâmu, Future nâng, Positive Future ma, Future Perfect nangmu, imperative do, Present Participle hi, Past Paniciple dada, Infinitive ma. Thus the conjugation of the verb khalái, to do, is as fol lows :— INDICATIVE MOOD. Present Tense. Singular. 1. ang khaláidu, I do 2. nung khaláidu, thou doest. 3. bo khaláidu, he does. Plural. Згпё\ е*с > khalaidu, we do. ninishi, etc., khalaidu, you do bonhhi, etc, khalaidu, they do. Present Perfect. Past Perfect. Past Imperfect. Future. Positive Future. ang Ithaláikha, añg khaláiba, ang khalaibamu, ang khaláinang, ang khaláima, Future Perfect. ang khaláinangmu, Present Participle. khaláilii, khaláihi khalaihi, khalairu khalairu, Past Participle. khaláidada, Imperative. khalái, khaláido, khalaithung, Infiniti ve. khaláima, I I I I I have done. did. was doing. will do. shall do (positive and emphatic). I shall have done, doing. whilst doini*. gradually doing, having done, do. do (more emphatic), let him do. to do. Subjunctive Mood. if I do. âng khalái khâde, or, jôdi âng khaláire. Present Perfect. âng khalái к/iâbo, if I have done. Past Perfect. âng khalâikha-t
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