In The Public Interest How And Why To Permit For Small Wind Systems

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In the Public Interest How and Why to Permit for Small Wind Systems A Guide for State and Local Governments American Wind Energy Association September 2008 "We ought to have a law that allows homeowners and small business people to put up photovoltaic generators and small windmills and any other new sources of widely distributed generation that they can come up with." - Al Gore, March 19, 2007 CNN Glenn Beck Show "Bad zoning not only scares away potential customers, but also dealers - the local small businesses that distribute, install, and maintain small wind systems." - Mike Bergey, Bergey WindPower Co. "Planners can encourage efficient energy use, diversification of energy supply, and emissions reductions through their influence over the built and natural environments - including both where and how we build, and where and how we preserve open spaces." - American Planning Association. Planning and Climate Change: Mitigation and Clean Energy Strategies. energy/index.htm IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST: HOW AND WHY TO PERMIT FOR SMALL WIND SYSTEMS A Guide for State and Local Governments The greatest challenges to small-scale renewable energy are not technical, but rather financial, political, and regulatory. Confusing, inconsistent or even absent permitting processes discourage the very people a forward-thinking community would want to enable: those with the motivation and resources to generate their own clean electricity. Small wind turbines allow homeowners, farmers, small business owners, and public facilities to generate their own clean, safe, and reliable energy for on-site use. Though thousands of towns and counties already do, many have not yet included small wind systems in their zoning codes to allow their use. The reason is often no more than a lack of familiarity with the technology, resulting in overabundant care to avoid setting a controversial precedent. This often renders the permitting process the single most daunting obstacle for would-be consumers and prevents the installation - and associated public benefits - of thousands of small wind systems. The good news is this is easy to fix. Making the permitting process affordable, streamlined, and accountable is in the best interest of the consumer, environment, and community. This guide explains why, and identifies best practices for local governments to balance the interests of property owners and the community. Ron Stimmel September 2008 American Wind Energy Association [email protected] (202) 383-2546 C ONTENTS Introduction What Are Small Wind Turbines? ...................................................... 2 How Are They Used?...................................................................... 3 What Can Neighbors and the Community Expect? .............................. 3 Responsibilities of Turbine Owners ................................................... 3 The "Power" of Good Zoning Precedent: Commonplace or “Bleeding Edge"? .................................. 4 Why Zone for Small Wind Systems? ................................................. 4 The Importance of Height Why Do They Need To Be Tall? ........................................................ 6 Issues 1. Setback Distances and Height ................................................... 8 2. Lot Size ................................................................................. 9 3. Aesthetics ............................................................................ 10 4. Sound .................................................................................. 11 5. Property Values ..................................................................... 13 6. Insurance ...........................................................................
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