Holley Cd-analysis Of Mixed Paints Color Pigments And Varnishes

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LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class ! ANALYSIS OF MIXED PAINTS, COLOR PIGMENTS, AND VARNISHES BY CLIFFORD DYER HOLLEY, M.S., PH.D., Professor of Industrial Chemistry, North Dakota Agricultural College, and Chemist on the Staff of the North Dakota Experiment Station. Joint Author of Paint and Paint Products ; and Paints and Their Composition. Formerly Chemist for the D. B. Hand Company, Scranton, Pennsylvania AND E. F. LADD, B.S. Professor of Chemistry, North Dakota Agricultural College, State Chemist and Food Commissioner for North Dakota FIRST EDITION FIRST THOUSAND NEW YORK JOHN WILEY & SONS LONDON : CHAPMAN & HALL, 1908 VX^ \ UNIVERSITY ) OF THE OF / LIMITED T? GENERAL /h*t COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY C. D. HOLLEY AND E. P. LADD Stanhope ipresa F. H. GIUSON COMPANY BOSTON. U.S.A. PREFACE. THIS book was written primarily to meet the needs of own classes in Industrial Quantitative Analyit is given to the public in the belief that there is sis, and a demand for a concise work on the analysis of paints the author's and paint products. Numerous books have been written during the past few years dealing with the subject of Paints, discussing in a general way the properties of the various pigments and methods their of manufacture. But the author is not acquainted with a single work that will serve as a guide to a chemist of ordinary training in taking a can of mixed any shade or and furnishing him paint, of practically analysis of it tint, making a complete sufficient data,
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