Design For Construction

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CIM steel The Eureka project EU130 "CIMsteel" is a visionary, Europe-wide collaboration. It will place the European constructional steelwork sector in a leading position to compete with both overseas steel construction industries and alternative construction materials. Improved integration will be achieved by developing methods for "Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Constructional Steelwork". These will streamline the process of integrating the life-cycle of structural steelwork projects, encompassing design, analysis, detailing, fabrication and erection. The ClMsteel Vision is: Faster design, manufacture and construction Improved, cheaper steelwork structures Unlocking potential for growth in t h e steelwork market Improved competitiveness in t h e world market The ClMsteel project will turn a n insular craft industry, made up of many small and medium sized companies into a state-of-the-art integrated manufacturing industry. More than forty two organisations from eight European countries are collaborating to research and develop advanced but e a s y to u s e standards, methods and software to improve t h e effectiveness and competitiveness of t h e steelwork sector of t h e construction industry. European countries taking part in this venture include: Austria Denmark Finland France Sweden Italy The Netherlands United Kingdom This phase of t h e ClMsteel project in t h e United Kingdom h a s fourteen collaborating organisations and receives support from the Department o f Trade and Industry. Taylor Woodrow Construction Holdings Ltd is t h e lead organisation. The Steel Construction Institute is t h e publisher for t h e ClMsteel documents. SCI PUBLICATION 178 Design for Construction Published by: The Steel Construction Institute Silwood Park, Ascot Berkshire SL5 7 Q N Telephone: 01 344 23345 Fax: 01344 22944 © 1997 The Ste
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