The Icelandic Legend Of Saint Dorothy

E-Book Overview

The volume presents an edition of the Icelandic translation of the legend of Saint Dorothy, extant in a single manuscript, Copenhagen, Arnamagnaean Institute AM 429 12mo, written in the Benedictine convent at Kirkjubær in Sída around 1500. The introduction examines the origin and development of the legend of Saint Dorothy as well as vernacular translations and adaptations of the legend and its reception by modern authors and artists. Particular attention is given to Scandinavian and Icelandic adaptations of the legend and evidence of the cult of Saint Dorothy in the North. The analysis of the German, English and Scandinavian renderings of the legend as well as the Icelandic translation reveals that Jacobus de Voragine's "Legenda aurea" version, which has been posited as the source for virtually all of these, including the Icelandic translation, is not the direct source, for certain deviations from the "Legenda aurea" version in the Icelandic translation are found also in some of the German and English texts. Some of these deviations appear in a Latin version of the legend represented by a manuscript in the University Library in Bologna, Codex 2800, from the mid-fiftheenth century, the text of which is edited in an appendix to the study.

E-Book Content

The Icelandic Legend o f Saint Dorothy Edited by K IR S T E N W O L F T he volum e presents an edition o f the Icelandic translation o f the legend o f Saint D o ro th y , extant in a single manuscript, Copenhagen, Arnamagnaean Institute A M 429 12m o, w ritten in the Benedictine con­ vent at K irkju bæ r in Síða around 1500. T h e introd u ction examines the origin and development o f the legend o f Saint D o ro th y as well as vernacular translations and adapta­ tions o f the legend and its reception by m odern authors and artists. Par­ ticular attention is given to Scandinavian and Icelandic adaptations of the legend and evidence o f the cult o f Saint D o ro th y in the N orth. T he analysis o f the G erm an, English, and Scandinavian renderings o f the legend as well as the Icelandic translation reveals that Jacobus de V oragine’s L eg en da au rea version, w hich has been posited as the source fo r virtually all o f these, including the Icelandic translation, is not the direct source, fo r certain deviations from the L egen da au rea version in the Icelandic translation are found also in some o f the Germ an and English texts. Som e o f these deviations appear in a Latin version o f the legend represented by a manuscript in the U niversity L ibrary in B ologna, C odex 2800, from the mid-fifteenth century, the text o f which is edited in an appendix to the study. Illumination of Saint Dorothy Copenhagen, Arnamagnaean Institute AM 429 12mo, folio 48v (Reproduced with the kind permission of The Arnamagnean Institute, Copenhagen) S T U D IE S A N D T E X T S 130 The Icelandic Legend o f Saint Dorothy E d ited b y K IRSTEN W O LF P O N T IF IC A L IN S T IT U T E O F M E D IA E V A L S T U D IE S A ck n o w led g em en ts This book has been published w ith a grant from the H um anities and Social Sciences Federation o f Canada, using funds provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research C ouncil o f Canada. Cataloguing in Publication Data The Icelandic legend of Saint Dorothy (Studies and texts, ISSN 0082-5328 ; 130) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-88844-130-4 1. Dorothea, Saint, d. 311 - Legends. 2. Christian saints - Biography Early works to 1800. I. Wolf, Kirsten, 1959- . II. Arnamagnaeanske institut (Denmark). Manuscript AM 429 12mo. III. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. IV. Series: Studies and texts (Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies) ; 130. PT7299.D6I34 1997 270.1'092 C97-932025-9 , and y and is in complementary di