A New Measurement Method To Analyse The Thermochemical Conve

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75,7$0(7 ,661; ,651.7+0(756( ,6%1 $1HZ0HDVXUHPHQW0HWKRGWR $QDO\VHWKH7KHUPRFKHPLFDO &RQYHUVLRQRI6ROLG)XHOV  ,QWKHFRQWH[WRIVPDOOVFDOHSDFNHGEHG FRPEXVWLRQRIZRRGIXHOV 5DVPXV)ULEHUJ 'LVVHUWDWLRQ Division of Metallurgy/ Heat and Furnace Technology Department of Materials Science and Engineering Royal Institute of Technology S-100 44 Stockholm Sweden Seventh of August 2000 Akademisk avhandling som med tillstånd av Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan i Stockholm främlägges för offentlig granskning för avläggande av teknologie doktorsexamen i energiteknik, torsdagen den 21 september, kl 10.00 i Kollegiesalen, Administrationsbyggnaden, KTH, Valhallavägen 79, Stockholm. KTH Högskoletryckeriet STOCKHOLM, 2000 ISBN: 91-7170-599-6 &RYHUSKRWR: The combustion of off-gases leaving the conversion system used in the experimental work by Friberg.  RASMUS FRIBERG, 2000 $1HZ0HDVXUHPHQW0HWKRGWR$QDO\VHWKH7KHUPRFKHPLFDO &RQYHUVLRQRI6ROLG)XHOV ,QWKHFRQWH[WRIVPDOOVFDOHSDFNHGEHGFRPEXVWLRQRIZRRGIXHOV Rasmus C.E. Friberg Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Energy Technology (TeknD) 2000 Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Royal Institute of Technology) Department of Materials Science and Engineering Division of Metallurgy/ Heat and Furnace Technology S-100 44 Stockholm, SWEDEN $EVWUDFW The firing of fuel wood has been identified as one of the main causes of pollutant emissions from small-scale (@ The annual heat production from small-scale combustion of biofuels, applying woodfired boilers or wood stoves, was around 11 TWht in the year 1998 in private Swedish households [7]. The wood-fired boilers and wood stoves are typical examples of PBC technology. Based on two reviews: (1) literature review of experimental work (Appendix A) and (2) literature review and classification of thermochemical conversion of biofuels (Appendix B), it was revealed that textbooks, general theories, and methods to analyse the interdisciplinary and complex PBC process, especially with respect to the thermochemical conversion of the packed bed are scarce. To be able to carry out 3 Background and Scope systematic research work in this field the first step was to develop a system theory. The system theory should define the general objectives, the efficiencies, and the main process flows of a PBC system. This resulted in a system theory referred to as the WKUHHVWHSPRGHO, which is the platform of this PhD thesis. 2EMHFWLYHV This PhD project has been financed and created in the context of the programme “Small-scale Combustion of Biofuels” coordinated by the Swedish Administration of Energy (STEM). The general objectives of this programme are: 1. To promote the development of better facilities for combustion of biofuels with respect to environmental performance, efficiency, and cost efficiency, in the ranges up to 50 kW as well as up to 10 MW. 2. To promote the contacts between universities and manufacturing industry in the field. 3. To educate the public on the advantages and disadvantages using biofuels in households. 4. To add to the knowledge base so that the utilization of biofuels in small- and medium-scale facilities can increase in a future Swedish energy system. The objectives of this project are consistent with the objectives (1) and (4) above. The general objective of this project has been to verify a new measurement method to analyse the thermochemical conversion of biofuels in the context of PBC, which is based on the three-step model mentioned above. The sought quantities of the method are the mass flow and stoichiometry of conversion gas, as well as air factors of conversion and combustion system. One of the specific aims of this project is to find a physical explanation why it is more difficult to obtain
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