Transport And The Activity Of The Conference : 26th Annual Report, 1979

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I I i fill EUROPEAN illll CONFERENCE OF MINISTERS OF TRANSPORT VOLUME I TRANSPORT AND THE ACTIVITY OF THE CONFERENCE mini EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OF MINISTERS OF TRANSPORT VOLUME 26th Annual Report- 1979 TRANSPORT AND THE ACTIVITY OF THE CONFERENCE EClilC The European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) was instU tuted by a Protocol signed at Brussels on 17th October 1953. It comprises the Ministers of Transport of the following 19 countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and Yugoslavia (associated countries : A ustralia, Canada, Japan, United States). The purposes of the ECMT are : to take whatever measures may be necessary to achieve, at general or regional level, the maximum use and most rational development of European inland transport of international importance ; to co-ordinate and promote the activities of International Organisations concerned with European inland transport (rail, road, navigable ways), taking into account the work of supranational authorities in this field Public en francais sous le litre: LES TRANSPORTS ET L'ACTIVITE DE LA CONFERENCE © ECMT, 1981 ECMT publications are marketed by the Sale of Publications Department of the OECD, 2, rue Andre-Pascal, 75775 PARIS CEDEX 16, France. CONTENTS Parti GENERAL ACTIVITY Page Chapter I. STRUCTURE AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE Chapter II. ECMT ACTIVITIES Chapter III. EXTERNAL RELATIONS 7 9 14 Part II ECMT ACTIVITIES IN PARTICULAR FIELDS Chapter I. Chapter II. ORGANISATION OF TRANSPORT Transit problems 19 B Combined transport 20 C Investments 21 D Energy and Transport 24 SPECIFIC PROBLEMS 26 A Urban and Regional Transport 26 B Road Traffic Signs and Signals 28 C - Road Safety D Chapter HI. 19 A 30 Activities of the Eurofima Company ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND DOCUMENTATION 32 35 Part III TRAFFIC AND INVESTMENT TRENDS Chapter I. GENERAL 47 Chapter II. RAILWAYS 53 Chapter III. ROADS 55 Chapter IV. INLAND WATERWAYS 63 Annex: Intra-European Civil Transport - Traffic statistics * 117 ANNEXES Annex I. Resolution n° 704 of the Council of Europe 1 23 Annex II. 1. List of Officers of the ECMT 125 2. List of Delegates at the Belgrade and Paris sessions 1 26 Parti GENERAL ACTIVITY TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPOR T OF THE ECMT [CM(80)4] Chapter I STRUCTURES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE The year 1979 saw the Conference in process of giving practical effect to the Resolution adopted at the 47th Session of the Council of Ministers on 31st May and 1st June, 1978 in Brussels, calling for the reorgan¬ isation of the ECMT's activities and working structures. As pointed out in the previous annual report, this reform has changed the ways in which problems are tackled and, as the Ministers wished, has also meant that major po
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