Porphyry And Hydrothermal Copper And Gold Deposits: A Global Perspective

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PORPHYRY AND HYDROTHERMAL COPPER AND GOLD DEPOSITS — • そ ‘ ^^ CENTRAL ASIA • -« THE AMERICAS • I^ r I • • i• な- — ^ 7 . • I - #r. TETHYAN • A SIA PACIFIC • §uiqsi|qnd/nG'uioo-09§J3^d-AVMAv Bi^ijsny 59og VS 几d uspmq a n AXd ADNvxmsMODoao H3XHOJ 9 JO U O IS IA Ip U O N iH s n a a d 肋:MOj IV X Xq p叫 p3 a A ix o a d s n a d i v a o i 9 y s x is o d a a a iO D aM v n ^ d d o o T V T O m H エO T IO A H a M V A H A H J H O J PORPHYRY AND HYDROTHERMAL COPPER & GOLD DEPOSITS A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE ISBN 0-908039-71-9 F irst edition, N o v em b er 1998, Published by A ustralian M ineral Foundation Inc. C opyright assigned to PG C Publishing, M arch 2002 M odified by PG C Publishing, M ay 2002 A dditional copies provided by PG C Publishing on dem and 1P©€ PUBLISHING P O R T E R GEOCONSULTANCY PTYLTD ABN IS 075 541 632 Trading as: PGC PUBLISHING 6 Beatty Street Linden Park SA 5065 Australia Phone: +61 8 8379 7397 Facsimile: +61 8 8379 7397 email: [email protected] Web page: http://www.portergeo.com.au/publishing Inclusion o f a paper in this volume does not necessarily reflect endorsement o f its contents by PGC Publishing, Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd., their respective employees, officers or agents, or the editor. Readers should use their own judgement before using or applying any information herein. PGC Publishing, Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd., their respective employees, officers and agents, and the editor, accept no responsibilityfor any damages or losses in anyform that might result from the publication of, or as a result o f reading or applying the information included in any part o f this volume in any way what-so-ever. This book was originally compiled as a Proceedings Volume for the international conference with the same title convened by the Australian Mineral Foundation Inc. in Perth, Western Australia, 30 November to 1 December, 1998. The technical program for this conference and volume were designed, organised and edited by TM (Mike) Porter of Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd C over p h o to g ra p h ; 11Where it all began ” Bingham Canyon open pit, Utah, USA. Photograph b y T M Porter. PORPHYRY AND HYDROTHERMAL COPPER AND GOLD DEPOSITS A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Table of Contents Page P R E F A C E ................................................................................................................................................... l An Overview of the World's Porphyry and Other Hydrothermal Copper & Gold Deposits,and their Distribution. T. Michael Porter...............................................................................................................................................................3 G E N E R A L .......................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Major Regional Factors Favouring Lar^e Size, High Hypogene Grade,Elevated Gold Content and Supergene Oxidation and Enrichment of Porphyry Copper Deposits. Richard H Sillitoe.............................................................................................................................................................21 Factors Influencing the Viability of Large Gold or Copper Porphyry Projects. John E Rickus................................................................................................................................................................... 35 ASIA P A C IF IC ....................