Best Of Watercolor - Painting Color

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BEST OF WATERCOLOR BOSTON PUBUC UBRARY Copley Square BEST OF WATERCOLOR The Orange Belt- Gloria Paterson Copyright £ 1997 by Rockport Publishers. All rights reserved. All images is in this No part of this book may be reproduced in Inc. any form without written permission of the copyright owners. book have been reproduced with the knowledge and prior consent of the artists concerned and no responsibility accepted by producer, publisher, or printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise, arising from the contents of this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply with information supplied. First published in the United States of America by: Quarry Books, an imprint of Rockport Publishers, Inc. 33 Commercial Street Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930-5089 Tel: (508) 282-9590 Fax: (508) 283-2742 Distributed to the book trade and art trade in the North Light Books, an imprint F& United States by: of W Publications 1507 Dana Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45207 Telephone: (800) 28&0963 Other Distribution by: Rockport Publishers, Inc. Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930-5089 ISBN 10 1-56496-349-7 987654321 Designer Kristen Webster-Blue Sky limited Cover Image: Back Cover Images: A Festival. (left to Margaret M. Martin right) Apple Harvest. Oliver Balf Union Square. Sally Cataldo Bellavista Sight. Manufactured in Hong Kong. Michael Schlicting BEST OF WATERCOLOR selected by betty lou schlemm/edited by sara m. doherty Jumping Pintos- Sandra Quarry Books Gloucester, Massachusetts Distributed by North Light Books Cincinatti, Ohio Saitto best of watercolor-PAiNTiNG color the design elements, perhaps color has the greatest f all introduction emotional impact. music, we When we are dealing with color, as with are dealing with sensations. way an that thrill us but that sensitive, imaginative puts them together and makes the world of move far art. back into the painting The fall can It pictorial space is created with and the yellows our fingertips. There are harmonious which it. and then move forward, bringing color: the reds advancing, the blues receding, at colors, called analogous colors, close to each other on the color wheel, and there are contrasting colors, called complementary colors, which site fall oppo- each other on the color wheel. The harmonies give us rest while the complementing colors add us artist his personal statement in Color plays upon form and defines into play the picture plane. perhaps right not the objects It is life to the painting and give little jolt. Value and intensity of color depend on the ings —color changes as emotions change, and not but their many variations and combinations intensities. There are the dull, the murky together with those of sheer brilliance,
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