Transactions Of The Twenty-first Conference Of Army Mathematicians

E-Book Overview

Report. U.S. Army Research Office. 1976. – 718 p.
Army Mathematics Steering Committee (AMSC). This is a technical report resulting from the Twenty-first Conference of Army Mathematicians. It contains most of the papers on the Agenda of this meeting. These treat various Army applied mathematical problems.

E-Book Content

u. S. ARMY RESEARCH 0FF ICE Report No. 76-1 February 1976 TRANSACTIONS OF THE TWENTY-FIRST CONFERENCE OF ARMY MATHEMATICIANS Sponsored by the Army Mathematics Steering Committee Host U. S. Army White Sands Missile Range White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico 14-16 May 1975 •.• I Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. The findings in this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position, unless so designated by other authorized documents. U. S. Army Research Office P. O. Box 12211 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina · I FOREWORD These Transactions preserve in print most of the invited addresses and contributed papers of the Twenty-first Conference of Army Mathematicians. These meetings are sponsored by the Army Mathematics Steering Committee (AMSC) on behalf of the Office of the Chief of Research, Development and Acquisition. Members of this Committee request that the guest lecterers be effective researchers who are in frontier fields of live current interest. They feel that the addresses by the invited speakers as well as contributed papers by Army per~onnel will stimulate the inter- changes of ideas among the scientists attending said meetings. In June of 1973, Messrs. W. A. McCool and William Sheperd of the White Sands Missile Range called the Army Research Office (ARO) to inquire about the possibility of holding either the Twentieth or the Twenty-first Conference of Army Mathematicians at their installation. Since the next, the Twentieth Conference, had been scheduled for the US Army Natick Laboraotires, these gentlemen were thanked and advised that a written offer to host the 1975 meeting would be appreciated. Dr. Richard H. Duncan, Tech- nical Director and Chief Scientist of the White Sands Missile Range, in a letter dated 10 May 1974 issued a formal invitation to hold this meeting at his installation. Part of his letter is quoted below: I cordially invite the Applied Mathematics Subcommittee, US Army Mathematics Steering Committee, to hold the Twenty-First Conference of Army Mathematicians at the US Army White Sands Missile Range, NM, in May 1975. We would be pleased to serve as host to the conference. iii I believe a conference held here would attract a number of Western Army Mathematicians who do not normally attend the conferences. Their attendance and participation would be of substantial benefit to the Army installations in our area. If the conference is held here, Mr. P. J. Higgins, Chief of the Analysis and Computation Division, National Range Operations Directorate, will be in charge of local arrangements. Please contact him for additional information. Over 115 Army and academic scientists attended this 14-16 May 1975 conference, which convened in E1 Paso, Texas. It is pleasing to note that over hald of these individuals were from the host installation. On the afternoon of the second day of the meeting, Mr. P. J. Higgins, the Chairman on Local Arrangments, arranged a trip to the White Sands Missile Range and a very interesting tour of that base. Those in attendance are indebted to him and members of his staff for this three day meeting. The success of this conference was due to many persons, including the active and enthusiastic members of the audience, the chairmen of the sessions, and authors
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