Adonis Effect Exercises

E-Book Overview

Strength Works Inc. | 2008 | ISBN: N/a | 78 pages
The Adonis Effect is an e-book that has been created by fitness expert Brad Howard and two of his colleagues by the names of Brad Pilon and John Barban that attempts to teach guys all aspects of losing weight while gaining muscle in specific areas of their body. Brad references many research studies that show females are attracted to specific waist to hip ratios and specific shoulder dimensions for a given height. Brad also cites how good looks can be useful not only for attracting women but also in the business and other day to day communications with people in your life.

E-Book Content

ADONIS INDEX WORKOUT EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS This is the complete list of all the exercises of the Adonis Index workout program with full photographs and descriptions. Follow the instructions for proper exercise form and execution. 1 Adonis Index Workout Exercises Alternate Incline Dumbbell Press Lying on an Incline Bench holding two dumbbells palms facing away from you Start with your arms in the fully extended position Lower one dumbbell while keeping the other arm in the fully extended position then switch 2 Adonis Index Workout Exercises Barbell Curls Standing with feet shoulder width apart holding a barbell Maintain an upright posture throughout the movement Curl the bar up keeping your abs and back tight Do not swing or use body momentum to move the weight 3 Adonis Index Workout Exercises Bent Dumbbell Row Standing with feet shoulder width apart holding dumbbells Knees slightly bent throughout the movement Bend at the waist with your upper body at approximately a 45 degree angle Keep your back and spine straight at all times throughout the movement Row the dumbbell up to your lower ribs 4 Adonis Index Workout Exercises Bent Lateral Raise Standing with feet shoulder width apart holding two dumbbells Bend at waist keeping your spine and back straight Raise the dumbbells laterally to your sides keeping your back straight 5 Adonis Index Workout Exercises Bench Squat & Press Standing with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart standing about 6 inches in front of a bench Holding dumbbells at your shoulders palms facing away from your body or facing each other Maintain an upright posture throughout the movement Never curl your back forward Start the movement by flexing your hips and butt back as if you were sitting back into a chair Sit down onto the bench Keep the pressure on the heels of your feet as you sit down into the squat From the bottom position drive your heels into the ground and stand up As you rise press the dumbbells overhead in one motion with the squat 6 ises Bodyweight Squats Standing with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart Maintain an upright posture throughout the exercise Start the movement with your butt and hips Push your butt and hips back as if you were going to sit back into a chair Begin bending at the knees, keeping most of your weight on your heels Do not rock forward onto your toes Keep your back and spine rigid and squat to the bottom position Drive your heels into the ground and stand up to the starting position 7 Adonis Index Workout Exercises Bulgarian Squat Standing approx 2 feet in front of a bench with feet shoulder width apart holding two dumbbells Put one foot on the bench with your toe as the contact point Maintain and upright posture throughout the movement Start the movement bending at your hips and knee lowering your butt back and down Keep your front knee above your ankle, do not bend the knee forward 8 Cable Cross Over High Finish Use the high cables holding with arms extended step forward so you feel a stretch across your chest With arms slightly bent b
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