Proceedings Of The Iv Us Army Symposium On Gun Dynamics. Volume I Of Ii

E-Book Overview

(Труды IV симпозиума армии США по динамике артиллерийских систем. Том I из II).
Riviera Beach, FL: Large Caliber Weapon Systems Laboratory. 1985. – 305 p.
7-9 May 1985. US Army symposium on gun dynamics was sponsored by: US Army armament research and development center. Large Caliber Weapon Systems Laboratory. Benet Weapons Laboratory. Watervliet, N.Y. 12189.
This represents a compilation of thirty-four technical papers concerning analyses, design, measurement, and automation of gun dynamics. The authors represent a cross-section of the scientific and technical community, including universities, industrial, and Government research laboratories.

E-Book Content

-'- AD-A162 134 ARLCB-SP-85009 PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH U S ARMY SYMPOSIUM ON GUN DYNAMICS VOLUME I OF 11 HILTON INN OF THE PALM BEACHES RIVIERA BEACH, FL DTIC? 7-9 MAY 1985 ELECT-1•1686 INOY,1 4 E3 wIJ __ SPONSORED BY US ARMY ARMAMENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER LARGE CALIBER WEAPON SYSTEMS LABORATORY BENET WEAPON3 LABORATORY WATERVLIET, N. Y. 12189 APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE, DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED -. .- . . . 1. o. 036 12 85 11 ' " " ° " " - " " - ' - - '- ' - " - ' V ' " ' - " - " DISCLIUdER The findings in this report are not to be construed as winofficial Department of the Army position unltse so designated by other authorized documents, The use of trade name(s) and/or manutacture(a) does not constituzt an official indorsement or approval. DISPOSITION Destroy this report when it is no longer needed. Do niot return it to the originator. . .. . . . . -~.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - ........................... . . ...... PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH US ARMY SYMPOSIUM ON GUN DYNAMICS HILTON INN OF THE PALM BEACHES RIVIERA BEACH, FL 7-9 MAY 1905 ELITORS: DR. THOMAS E. SIMKINS, BENET WEAPONS LABORATORY, LCWSL AMCCOM DR. J. VASILAKIS, BENET WEAPONS LABORATORY, LCWSL, AMCCOM SPONSORED BY US ARMY ARMAMENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER LARGE CALIBER WEAPON SYSTEMS LABORATORY BENET WEAPONS LABORATORY WATERVLIET, N. Y. 12 189 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whn Deo Entered) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE I. REPO BEFORE 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO. NUMBER ' INLIN5 3. RECIPIENT'5 CATALO- NUMBER 5. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOU COVERED AR-.CB-S_-85009 TITLE (s.d Subfttle) 4. PROCEEDINGS, FOURTH U.S. VOL.1 ON GUN DYNAMICS 7. ARMY SYtPOSIdM of II VOLS. Final AUTHOFR(,) Editors: PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 3. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER(&) E. Simkins Vasilakis Dr. T. Dr. J. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASK AREA C WORK UNIT NUMBERS 10. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME ANHA ADDRESS 9. 6. US Army Armament Research & Develupwent Center BenoRt Weapons Laboracory, SMCAR-LCB-TL Watervtiet, NY N.A. 12189-5000 _.A. Ii-. CONTROLLING.: OFFICE NAME AND ADFDESS 12. REPORT DATE US Army Armament Research & Development Center Large Caliber Weapon Systems Laboratory Dover, NJ 07801-5001 '7. NUM
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