Chemistry Of Heterocyclic Compounds. Volume 14. Pyridine And Its Derivatives. Part V

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John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1984. — 714 p.
The Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds has been published since 1950 under the initial editorship of Arnold Weissberger, and later, until his death in 1984, under the joint editorship of Arnold Weissberger and Edward C. Taylor. In 1997, Peter Wipf joined Prof. Taylor as editor. This series attempts to make the extraordinarily complex and diverse field of heterocyclic chemistry as organized and readily accessible as possible. Each volume has traditionally dealt with syntheses, reactions, properties, structure, physical chemistry, and utility of compounds belonging to a specific ring system or class (e.g., pyridines, thiophenes, pyrimidines, threemembered ring systems). This series has become the basic reference collection for information on heterocyclic compounds.
<strong>Contents Frontmatter Synthetic and Natural Sources of the Pyridine Ring Carbocyclic Annelated Pyridines Macrocyclic Pyridines The Reviews of Pyridine Chemistry 1968–1982 Author Index Subject Index

E-Book Content

PYRIDINE AND ITS DERIVATIVES Part Five This is the jourteetith iw/ut?ii, in the siviips THE CHEMISTRY OF HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS - - __ .___*-l_ll_---.-----_ -.- ___- TItE CHEMISTRY OF HETEROCYCLICCOMPOUSDS A SERIES OF MONOGRAPHS ARNOLD WEISSBERGKR A N D EDWARD C. TAYLOR @ - PYRIDINE AND ITS DERIVATIVES Part Five Edired by George R. Newkome Louisiana State University Baton Rouge. Louisiana A N INTERSCIENCE PUBLICATION "I John Wiley and Sons NEWYORK CHICHESTER BRISBANE TORONTO ----__ll____l_________.__ II___-_-.----c.__. ______I_ __I____ I _ SINGAPORE __ ___X_I__._-.--.--_ A n Interdencc " PUbllCdtioll Copyright @ 1984 hy John Wiley & Sons. Inc. All rights rewved. Puhlished simultaneously in Canada. Keproductioii or translalion of any part o f this work beyond that permitied by Section 107 or 108 o f t h e 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of ihe copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for p e r m i s h n or further information should be addreshed the Periniwons Department. John Wiley & Sons. Ins. to Library of Congrclr.5 catabging in Publication Data : ( R e v i d Ibr volume 5) Klingsberg. Erwin. Pyridine and i t \ derivatives. (The Cheniislr) of heteroc)clic ccimpound>: a ,cries o f nionographs. v. 14) V d . 5edited hy George R. Newkoiiir V d . 5ha3 impriiir : New York : Wile! "An Interscience publication" - V a l . 5 . I p Include\ hihliograph ics. I . Plridiiie. I. Ncwkoine. George R. (George Kizh.irdI I I . Title. I l l . Serie\: Chemistry of heieroc?clic compound>. \. 14. QD4Oi.K712 547'.5Y3 ISBN 0-471-05072-5 ( v . 5) 10 9 K 7 6 5 4 3 2 i 59-13038 Contributors T. D. BAILEY Reilly Tar and Chemical Corporation Indianapolis, Inilianu J. D. SAUER Ethyl Corporation Baton Rouge, Louisiana G . L. GOE Reilly Tar and Chemical Corporation Indiunapolis, Indianu E. F. V. SCRIVEN Reilly Tar and Chemical Corporation Indiarwpolis, Indiana V. K . GUPTA Depar ttnent of' Clierii is try Louisiana Stute Uniwrsity Baton Roicyr, Louisium R . P. THUMMEL Depar frnent 01' Clientistry Unicersity of' Houston Houston. Trsas G . R. NEWKOME Department of Clietnistry Louisiana Stare Unioersitj Baton Rouge, Louisiarru Tbe Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds The chemistry of heterocyclic compounds is one of the most complex branches of organic chemistry. It is equally interesting for its theoretical implications. for the diversity of its synthetic procedure
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