Speak Now 4 Workbook

E-Book Overview

Oxford University Press, 2013 - 92 pages. Four-level speaking course that helps students to communicate with confidence. <strong>Speak Now is the first conversation course with fully integrated video to help students develop communication skills. The Speak Now Student Book develops students' communication skills, enabling them to communicate confidently and effectively. Online Practice provides extra activities for students to improve their listening, speaking, and pronunciation skills outside class including speak, record, and submit to teacher activities. The interactive teacher tools allow you to track your students' progress, see their grades, communicate with them and more. Review vocabulary from the Student Book Extend speaking practice outside of class Build language skills with reading and writing activities Enhance accuracy with grammar practice Expand listening skills with additional video activities ISBN-10: 0194030555 ISBN-13: 978-0194030557

E-Book Content

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