The Classical Slav

E-Book Overview

Quality Chess, 2014. — 441 p. — ISBN 978-1-907982-39- 2. — (Grandmaster Repertoire, 17).
Дебютная монография по Славянской защите на английском языке. Для квалифицированных шахматистов.
Grandmaster Repertoire 17 – The Classical Slav provides a sound and active repertoire based on 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 dxc 4. White’s early deviations from move 3 onwards are also covered. GM Boris Avrukh has had the Slav in his repertoire throughout his career and has never lost a serious game with it.

E-Book Content

GrandJDaster Repertoire Grandmaster Repertoire 17 The Classical Slav By Boris Avrukh Quality Chess . q ualitychess. co. uk www First edition 20 1 4 by Quality Chess UK Ltd Copyright© 20 14 Boris Avrukh Grandmaster Repertoire 17-The Classical Slav All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher. Paperback ISBN 978- 1 -907982-38-5 Hardcover ISBN 978- 1 -907982-39-2 All sales or enquiries should be directed to Quality Chess UK Ltd, Suite 247-248, Central Chambers, 1 1 Bothwell Street, Glasgow G2 6LY, UK Phone +44 1 4 1 204 2073 email: [email protected] website: Distributed in North America by Globe Pequot Press, P.O. Box 480, 246 Goose Lane, Guilford, CT 06437-0480, US Distributed in Rest of the World by Quality Chess UK Ltd through Sunrise Handicrafts, ul. Skromna 3, 20-704 Lublin, Poland Typeset by Jacob Aagaard Proofreading by Colin McNab, John Shaw & Andrew Greet Edited by Colin McNab, John Shaw & Andrew Greet Cover design by www.; Cover photo by Printed in Estonia by Tallinna Raamatutri.ikikoja LLC Preface I was delighted when John Shaw and Jacob Aagaard offered me the chance to write a book advocating the Classical Slav. Usually my name is associated with the Griinfeld, but the Slav has always been part of my repertoire and I noticed to my surprise that I have not suffered a single defeat in serious games when employing this opening! I have always felt that that the Slav is a solid choice, where Black fights for the centre from the very first moves, compared with the Griinfeld, where Black gives up the centre in order to challenge it later on. I am convinced it is a clever idea to have two distinct openings in your repertoire, especially if they are conceptually different (like the Slav and the Griinfeld). From my own experience I know that l .d4 players can often be divided into two camps: members of the first group don't like to face such a forcing opening as the Griinfeld, while those in the second group struggle to show anything against solid set-ups like the Slav! Therefore it makes a lot of sense to have both types of weapon at one's disposal. The Slav is a highly popular choice at all levels, and almost all the elite players have it in their repertoires. I tried to make my choice of lines attractive for active and ambitious players (yes, the Slav can be aggressive) with many original ideas and deep analysis. As the title says, the heart of this book is the Classical Slav, which means that Black's queen's bishop is often headed for f5. However, when choosing the right move involved transposing to another opening, I have done so. So you will find a few cases where I transpose to the Meran or even the Queen's Gambit Accepted, but only when White's most theoretically critical lines have been avoided. Of course this is a repertoire book, but in a few cases I ha
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