Kinetic Energy Penetrator Long Term Strategy Study

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(Физетте Михаэл Ф., Данеси Михаэл E. Комплексная оценка стержневых бронебойных сердечников.)
Final report. The Ballistic Research Laboratory. 1990. – 147 p.
To address the perceived increasing burdens associated with use of depleted uranium (DU) as a kinetic energy (KE) penetrator material the AMCCOM Task Group examined use of alternate material and considered the impacts of this in four broad materials, and considered environmental and health factors; and life cycle costs. Application of DU and tungsten alloy (WA) materials to the penetrators for three future weapon systems which will be fielded 1995 - 2000 timeframe was considered. These systems are: the Advanced Tank Cannon System (ATAC); Combat Vehicle Armament Technology (COMVAT) Program; and the Kinetic Energy Missile (КЕМ). The overall objective was to provide data and recommendations which could be utilized by the Government in developing a long term strategy for KE penetrator selection, and which could also be utilized in addressing related near term problems. This report provides the unclassified and non-proprietary findings of the study, and is intended for distribution to Department of Defense (DOD) contractors with interests in KE penetrator design and manufacture.

E-Book Content

FINAL REPORT Kinetic Energy Penetrator Long Term Strategy Study (Abridged) Prepared for The Steering Panel Mr. Michael F. Fisette, Chairman Assistant Deputy For Internationa^ Cooperative Programs, AMC £ O by The AMCCOM Task Group Mr. Michael E. Danesi Task Group Leader (24 Juiyl990) Cc>0 Abridged for Non-Government Distribution Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. dquot-fz-asze EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To address the perceived increasing burdens associated wito use of depleted uranium (DU) as a kinetic energy (KE) penetrator material the AMCCOM Task Group examined use of alternate iritis, and considered the impacts of this in four broad area? Performance; the industrial base; environmental and health ?actors? lidlife cycle costs. Application of DU and tungsten llltv fwAfmateriaS to the penetrators for three future weapon alloy .^^rv. fielded in the 1995 - 2000 timeframe was SnsfSlred1 These systems^eftS Advanced Tank Cannon System ?AT1C^ Combat vehicle Armament Technology (COMVAT) Program; and iho Kinetic Energy Missile (KEM). The overall obiective was to SovidS dataandrecommendations which could be utilized by the GoSerSmen?indeveloping a long term strategy for KE penetrator S»Io^l selection, and which could also be utilized m Hasina related near term problems. This report provides the uScHSSitied and non-proprietary findings of the study, and is Sanded for distribution to Department of Defense (DOD) contractors with interests in KE penetrator design and manufacture. Performance results demonstrated, for both RHA and range targets, that DU SuSerforas WA by a Substantial margin. However, this S!S™!S rao may be overcome to some extent by using higher EoohSSoSS o?oiectile designs or launch mechanisms for WA than SoS aslumed for toe largfcaliber gun system in.this analysis. An S^ssmeSt of the Imerging technologies which might be •i 7XZ f^id^nti in the 1995 - 2000 timeframe did not, nowevlr*^isclose'eiSL^launcn or WA material advancements which S««?d enhance performance significantly and early enough to make SA a low^ ?o melium^isk alternative penetrator material for the ATAC system. A recommendation was made to pursue a long term effort to enhance WA terminal ballistic performance and to optimize sabot/penetrator designs for WA. This effort should incorporate the recommendations of the ARDEC/BRL/MTL Tungsten Coordination Committee, which are summarized in Chapter II of this report. There are existing Army and
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