Handbook Of Hydraulic Resistance. Coefficients Of Local Resistance And Of Friction

E-Book Overview

In English. Translated from Russian by A. Barouch, M. Sc. Edited by D. Grunaer, P. E. and IPST Staff. — Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1966. — 517 p. (Spravochnik po gidravlicheskim soprotivleniyam. Koeffitsienty rnestnykh soprotivlenii i soprotivleniya treniya. — Moskva-Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe Energeticheskoe Izdatel'stvo, 1960. Справочник по гидравлическим сопротивлениям. <em>Рус.: Коэффициенты местных сопротивлений и сопротивления трения. — Москва-Ленинград: Государственное Энергетическое Издательство, 1960.)
Published for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. by the Israel Program for Scientific Translations.
This handbook contains data on the friction coefficients of straight pipes and channels and the coefficients of fluid resistance of fittings. throttles, obstructions, elements of hydraulic or gas-air lines, and several devices used in industrial systems for gas purification, heat exct ange, and ventilation. The handbook is divided into twelve sections. The first section contains general informationon hydraulics and mechanics of fluids. The other sections are each devoted to a definite group of fittings or other elements of pipes and obstructions with similar conditions of fluid motion, and contain data on their fluid resistances. Each of these sections is divided into descriptive material and separate diagrams for practical calculations, each of which corresponds to a certain element of the pipe or obstruction. In most instances these diagrams contain formulas for calculating the resistance coefficient of the element as a function of its main characteristics, a graphical representation of this functional relationship, and tables of the values of the resistance coefficients. This handbook is intended for a wide range of specialists: scientists, designing and operating engineers of all branches of hydroengineering, and students of universities and technical institutes.

E-Book Content

7 / ° " ° ."t. / a. 4 /9EC-lr 4" C / 11c)ý-i ~, LE. ldel'chik HANDBOOK OF HYDRAULIC. RESISTANCE Coefficients of Local Resistance and of Friction C LEEAR IN G H 0 U S E FOR FEDERAL SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION Novi 4 ?; Hard~opMicrofiche ~~OU~~9E @~3PP I/ Translated from Russian •Published for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. by the Israel Program for Scientific Translations Reproduced by NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE. :Springfield, Va. 22151 : : Ct Q - -T, --!, I.E.. IDELCCHIK HANDBOOK OF HYDRAULIC RESISTANCE I Coefficients of Local Resistance and of Friction (Spravochnik po gidravlicheskim soprotivleniyam. Koeffitsienty rnestnykh. soprotivlenii i soprotivleniya treniya) Gosudarstvennoe Energeticheskoe Izdatel'stvo Moskva-Leningrad 1960 Translated from Russian ,0 Israel Program for Scientific Translations Jerusalem 1966 £ i AEC-tr- 6630 Published Pursuant to an Agreement with THE U. S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION and THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. Copyright (0 1966 Israel Program for Scientific Translations Ltd. IPST Cat. No. 1505 Translated by A. Barouch, M. Sc. Edited by D. Grunaer, P. E. and IPST Staff Printed in Jerusalem by S. Monson Price: $8.28 Available from the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information Springfield, Va. 22151 x/S Table of Contents FOREWORD ............ vii Sect ion One.
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