A Calculation On The Metal-film Mixing By Intense Pulse Ion Beam (ipib)

E-Book Overview

Journal of the Korean Vacuum Science & Technology; JKVST Vol.0, No.0, 2003, pp.00~00 In this paper, we studied, by numerical calculation, a system, which was composed of metal-film and metal-substrate being irradiated by IPIB with beam ion energy 250keV, current density 10 to 250 A/cm2 . While the IPIB irradiation was going on, an induced effect named mixing occurred. In this case, metal-film and part of metal-substrate melted and mixed together. The mixing state was kept as it was in melting phase due to the fast cooling rate. Our works were simulating the heating and cooling process via our STEIPIB program and tried to find proper parameters for a specific film-substrate system, 500 nm titanium film coated on aluminum, to get best mixing results. The parameters calculated for such Ti-Al system were compared with the experimental results and were in good accordance to the experimental results.

E-Book Content

Journal of the Korean Vacuum Science & Technology; JKVST Vol.0, No.0, 2003, pp.00~00 A calculation on the Metal-Film Mixing by Intense Pulse Ion Beam (IPIB) X. Y. Le*, S. Yan*, W.J. Zhao*, Y.G. Wang*, J.M. Xue* Dep. of Applied Physics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083, China Institute of Heavy Ion Physics, Peking University, Beijing, 100871 P.R. China (Received ○○○○ 00, 2001) Abstract In this paper, we studied, by numerical calculation, a system, which was composed of metal-film and metal-substrate being irradiated by IPIB with beam ion energy 250keV, current density 10 to 250 A/cm2. While the IPIB irradiation was going on, an induced effect named mixing occurred. In this case, metal-film and part of metal-substrate melted and mixed together. The mixing state was kept as it was in melting phase due to the fast cooling rate. Our works were simulating the heating and cooling process via our STEIPIB program and tried to find proper parameters for a specific film-substrate system, 500 nm titanium film coated on aluminum, to get best mixing results.The parameters calculated for such Ti-Al system were compared with the experimental results and were in good accordance to the experimental results. Keywords: Keywords go here. 1. Introduction For surface treatment, intense pulse ion beam (IPIB) is expected to be an effective method because of its high power density. In comparison to laser beams, IPIBs have several advantages. These are: noticeably higher efficiency, larger areas of treatment (~102 cm2), high levels of absorption in various materials, deeper layer of modification and lower fluences (1013~1014 ions/pulse) which makes it possible to produce film with moderate impurity levels (

E-Book Information

  • Pages In File: 5

  • Language: English

  • Topic: 220

  • Library: twirpx

  • Commentary: 1,271,982

  • Org File Size: 180,941

  • Extension: pdf

  • Tags: Машиностроение и материалообработка Высокоэнергетические методы обработки

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