Fm 1, The Army (14 June 2005)

E-Book Overview

Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the Army, 2005. 72 p.: ill. <strong>[Enhanced e-Version].
<strong>Категория: Боевые/Полевые Уставы Армии США (U.S. Army's Field Manuals). <strong>Расшифровка названия: Field Manual No. 1, The Army. <strong>Перевод названия: Боевой/Полевой Устав [Армии США]: Армия [США]. <strong>Дата публикации: 14 июня 2005 года. <strong>Особенность: отсутствие сквозной нумерации страниц, т.е. библиографическое описание страниц таково: iv+22+14+12+14+(2)+(2)+(2). <strong>Структура: титул, аннотация и проч. - 4 стр., текст устава - 62 стр., замечания, список источников и проч. - 6 стр. <strong>Выпущен взамен: FM 1, The Army (<strong>14 June 2001).
<strong>[Foreword]. Table of Contents. Acknowledgments. Preface. <strong>Chapter 1: The Army and the Profession of Arms. - The Army in American History. - A Historic Challenge. - The American Profession of Arms. - The Army in the Profession of Arms. - Leadership. - Training. - Doctrine. - Summary. <strong>Chapter 2: The Strategic Environment and Army Organization. - The National Security Environment. - National Military Strategy Formulation. - National Military Objectives. - The Army’s Statutory Obligations. - The Army Vision. - The Army Mission. - The Organization of the Army. - Summary. <strong>Chapter 3: Army Forces in Unified Action. - Unified Action. - How Army Forces Fight. - Enhancing Joint Interdependence. - Summary. <strong>Chapter 4: The Way Ahead. - Future Operating Environment Challenges. - Army Transformation. - Transforming Today. - Changing Army Culture. - Balancing Risks. - What Does Not Change: the Human Dimension. - Summary. <strong>Source Notes. References. [Authentication Page].

E-Book Content

FM 1 U.S. ARMY The Army June 2005 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: A P P R O V E D F O R P U B L I C R E L E A S E ; DISTRIBUTION IS UNLIMITED. Foreword The Army is the primary landpower arm of our Nation’s Armed Forces. It exists to serve the American people, protect enduring national interests, and fulfill the Nation’s military responsibilities. FM 1 is one of the Army’s two capstone field manuals. It contains our vision for the Army. While the entire manual is important, I would direct your attention to four particular items. FM 1 establishes the fundamental principles for employing landpower. The most important of these are the Army’s operational concept and the fundamentals that support it. They form the foundation for all Army doctrine. All Soldiers should understand and internalize them. FM 1 describes the American profession of arms, the Army’s place in it, and what it means to be a professional Soldier. Central to this discussion are the Soldier’s Creed, Warrior Ethos, and Army Values. These three statements establish the guiding values and standards of the Army profession. To understand Soldiers, you must know about them. To be a Soldier, you must live them. FM 1 discusses Army contributions to the joint force. As the Armed Forces achieve even greater joint interdependence, the Army will depend more on the other Services and vice versa. For this reason, the Army is currently transforming its units and institutions to enhance our campaign qualities for sustained operations and to achieve greater expeditionary and joint capabilities. It is important for Soldiers and all who support or are associated with the Army to understand these contributions and how the Army is transforming to better meet its obligations to the other Services. Finally, FM 1 talks about Soldiers, the centerpiece of all Army organizations. Without Soldiers there is no Army. Soldie
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