Development Of A Magnetic Abrasive Jet Machining System For Precision Internal Polishing Of Circular Tubes

E-Book Overview

Статья. Опубликована в журнале "Mat. Process. Technol." – 1997. – Vol. 71 – P. 384-393.
Название на русском языке: Исследование модификации поверхности в результате внутренней магнитно-абразивной финишной обработки.
Аннотация к статье на английском языке: A recently developed finishing process using a rotating magnetic field is known to be very efficient for the finishing of parts such as vacuum tubes, sanitary tubes, etc. which are difficult to be finished by conventional finishing methods as they are generally curved tubes. However, the finishing system using a rotating magnetic field has the defect that the cross-section of the workpiece can only be circular because of the internal rotating tool, Therefore. a new finishing process for workpieces of non-circular cross-section is required. Magnetic abrasive jet machining is a new concept in finishing processes, being a precision internal finishing method using a working fluid mixed with magnetic abrasives, which is jetted into the internal surface of the tube, with magnetic poles being provided on the external surface of the tube. In this study, the new-concept finishing process. or the magnetic abrasive jet machining system, was developed. The machining conditions were predicted using simulation and some characteristics of the finishing process were analyzed.

E-Book Content

Journal of Materials Processing Technology 71 ( 1997) 384-393 Development of a magnetic abrasive jet machining syste precision internal polishing of circular tubes Jeong-Du Kim *, Youn-Hee Kang, Young-Han Bae, Su-Won Lee Received 3 April 1996 A recently developed finishing process using G rotating magnetic field is known to be very efficient for the finishing of parts such as vacuum tubes, sanitary tubes, etc. which are difficult to be finished by conventional finishing methods as they are generally curved tubes. However, the finishing system using a rotating magnetic field has the defect that the cross-section of the workpiece can only be circular because of the internal rotating tool, Therefore. a new finishing process for workpieces of non-circular cross-section is required. Magnetic abrasive jet machining is a new concept in finishing processes, being a precision internal finishing method using a working fluid mixed with magnetic abrasives, which is jetted into the internal surface of the tube, with magnetic poles being provided on the external surface of the tube. In this study, the new-concept finishing process. or the magnetic abrasive jet machining system, was developed. The machining conditions were predicted using simulation and some characteristics of the finishing process were analyzed. 63 1997 Elsevier Science S.A. j&~wwd,sv: Magnetic abrasive jet; Circular tubes; Finishing processes _ -_c_ _-__.____--.-- - _---- 1. Introduction Presently, it is required that the parts used in manufacturing semiconductors, communication instruments and medical instruments, have a very precise surface roughness. Amongst them, vacuum tubes, wave guides and sanitary tubes are difficult to polish by conventional finishing methods such as lapping, because of their shapes. The surface roughness of these tubes affects the performance of the entire system, but the finishing technology for these tubes is very scant in manufacturing fields. Magnetic abrasive finishing has been able to be achieved, enabling surface and edge finishing by means of a magnetic abrasive brush formed in a magnetic field. This process allows the finishing of parts with a cylindrical, flat or internal surface as well as an evenshaped surface. The process allows for more flexibility regarding the surface shape that is applicable for the finishing of a complex part, because a clearance of * Corresponding author. Tel
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