Magnetiс-abrasive Machining Of Silicon Wafer - A Novel Approach

E-Book Overview

Статья. Опубликована в журнале "Industrial Diamond Review". – 2004. – № 3 – P. 45-48.
Авторы: Khomich M., Aliakseyev Y., Demmert A., Pahler D., Dambon O., Schneider U.
Статья на английском языке.
Название на русском языке: Магнитно-абразивная обработка кремниевой пластины - новый подход.
Аннотация к статье на английском языке: Smooth surfaces are a common goal in production engineering that differs substantially in its consequences with regard to the subsequent use of the workpiece. One such example is the surface machining of silicon wafers preparing the wafers for further use in the IC-production, where silicon wafers are the foundation of any microelectronic device. This article is concerned w i th a novel approach in the manufacture of silicon wafers by means of magnetic-abrasive machining (MAM). The expected advantages of MAM are comparably minor machine requirements, inexpensive abrasive tools and superior surface qualities.

E-Book Content

Ceramics Magnetic-abrasive machining of silicon wafers - a novel approach S m o o t h surfaces are a c o m m o n goal in p r o d u c t i o n engineering t h a t differs Wafer surface Wafer sub-surface zones I: Polycrystalline zone substantially in its consequences w i t h regard t o t h e subsequent use of the workpiece. One such example is the surface machining of silicon wafers preparing II: Fracture zone t h e wafers for further use in t h e I C - p r o d u c t i o n , w h e r e silicon wafers are the f o u n d a t i o n of any microelectronic device. This article is concerned w i t h a novel I: Transition zone approach in the m a n u f a c t u r e of silicon wafers by means of magnetic-abrasive m a c h i n i n g ( M A M ) . The expected advantages of M A M are c o m p a r a b l y m i n o r IV: Elastically strained zone machine requirements, inexpensive abrasive tools and superior surface qualities. This report by M . Khomich, Y. Alexeev, A. D e m m e r , D. Pahler, O. D a m b o n , and U. Schneider. V: Bulk material S ilicon wafers d e m a n d ultra-high processing accuracy with regard to the characterizing surface, sub-surface characterises and geometric values: surface quality and total thickness variation (TTV) are majorly important factors. TTV is a measure of flatness and, along with the overall thickness range, it is one key factor in determining the quality of the finished wafer. General values for the final thickness are about 800 цт and a TTV < 1="" цт.="" surface="" quality="" of="" state-of-the-art="" ground="" silicon="" wafers="" is="" aimed="" to="" be="" ra="">< 0.02/im.="" but,="" if="" not="" more="" importantly,="" the="" surfaces="" are="" also="" required="" to="" be="" crystallographically="" defect-free,="" meaning="" that="" ideally="" no="" cracks,="" displacements="" nor="" chippings="" are="" found="" in="" the="" surface="" at="" any="" depth.="" a="" damagefree="" surface="" in="" terms="" of="" the="" ic-production="" is="" therefore="" a="" very="" demanding="" claim.="" crystal="" deformations="" are="" the="" result="" of="" the="" prior="" processing="" steps="" converting="" the="" initial="" silicon="" ingot="" into="" individual="" wafers.="" delivered="" as="" cylindrical="" ingots="" very="" thin="" disc-like="" slices="" are="" sawn="" and="" subsequently="" processed="" by="" time-consuming="" and="" cost="" intensive="" edge="" grinding,="" lapping,="" etching="" and="" final="" polishing="" processes.="" it="" is="" the="" actual="" slicing="" process="" that="" causes="" the="" most="" severe="" damage="" to="" the="" crystal="" structure="" of="" the="" wafer="" that="" has="" to="" be="" eliminated="" by="" the="" f="" o="" l="" l="" o="" w=""
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