Study On The Parameter Optimization In Magnetic Abrasive Polishing For Brass Cuzn33 Plate Using Taguchi Method

E-Book Overview

Статья. Опубликована в журнале "The Iraqi Journal For Mechanical And Material Engineering". – 2012. – Vol.12, No.3 – P. 596-615.
Статья на английском языке.
Название на русском языке: Исследование по оптимизации параметров магнитно-абразивного полирования латунных (CuZn33) пластин с использованием метода Тагучи.
Аннотация к статье на английском языке: This paper describes a new finishing process using magnetic abrasiveswere newly made to finish effectively brass plate that is very difficult to be polished by the conventional machining processes.Taguchi experimental design method was adopted for evaluating the effect of the process parameters on the improvement of the surface roughness and hardness by the magnetic abrasive polishing.The process parameters are: the applied current to the inductor, the working gap between the workpiece and the inductor, the rotational speed and the volume of powder. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) wasanalyzed using statistical softwareto identify theoptimal conditions for better surface roughness and hardness. Regressions models based on statistical-mathematical approach by using the MINITAB-statistical software for both surface roughness and hardness were obtained.Experimental results indicated that rotational speed is the most significant parameters on change in surface roughness(ΔRa), and for change in surface hardness (ΔHa), volume of powder is the significant one.As a result, it was seen that the magnetic abrasive polishing was very useful for finishing the brass alloy plate.

E-Book Content

The Iraqi Journal For Mechanical And Material Engineering, Vol.12, No.3, 2012 ________________________________________________________________________ STUDY ON THE PARAMETER OPTIMIZATION INMAGNETIC ABRASIVE POLISHING FORBRASS CUZN33PLATE USING TAGUCHI METHOD Nazar kais M.naif Baghdad University-Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering, Manufacturing Operations Department-AlJadria, Baghdad ([email protected]) _______________________________________________________________________________ Abstract: This paper describes a new finishing process using magnetic abrasiveswere newly made to finish effectively brass plate that is very difficult to be polished by the conventional machining processes.Taguchi experimental design method was adopted for evaluating the effect of the process parameters on the improvement of the surface roughness and hardness by the magnetic abrasive polishing.The process parameters are: the applied current to the inductor, the working gap between the workpiece and the inductor, the rotational speed and the volume of powder. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) wasanalyzed using statistical softwareto identify theoptimal conditions for better surface roughness and hardness. Regressions models based on statisticalmathematical approach by using the MINITAB-statistical software for both surface roughness and hardness were obtained.Experimental results indicated that rotational speed is the most significant parameters on change in surface roughness(ΔRa), and for change in surface hardness (ΔHa), volume of powder is the significant one.As a result, it was seen that the magnetic abrasive polishing was very useful for finishing the brass alloy plate. ‫الخالصة‬ ‫يصف هزا انثسث طشيقح ذُعيى خذيذج تاسرخذاو يادج زاكح يغُاطيسيح خذيذج صُعد الَهاء سطر نىزح‬ ‫ اعرًذخ طشيقح ذاكىخي‬.‫سثيكح انثشاص انري في انىاقع يٍ انصعة خذا اٌ ذصقم تاسرخذاو طشق انرشغيم انرقهيذيح‬ ‫نرصًيى انرداسب نرقييى ذاثيش يرغيشاخ انعًهيح انرشغيهيح عهى ذسسيٍ خشىَح وصالدج انسطر تىاسطح انرُعيى تانسك‬ ‫ يرغيشاخ انعًهيح انرشغيهيحهي انرياس انًدهز نهًهف وانفدىج تيٍ انًهف وانًشغىنح وسشعح دوساٌ انًهف‬.‫انًغُاطيسي‬ ‫ ذى ذ
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