Human Rights: In Patient Care: A Practitioner Guide (ukraine)

E-Book Overview

L’viv: LOBF Publishing House Medicine and Law, 2012. – 497 p. – ISBN 978-966-2019-17-9. Under scientific editing of Senyuta I.
Practitioner Guide belongs to the series of books, prepared within the frameworks of international project of the Open Society Institute. The book elucidates the rights and duties of patients and medical workers, forms and ways of these rights protection on the international, regional and national levels. The issues of forensic examinations fulfillment are also highlighted in the manual. The book contains a number of constitutional provisions, legal norms of laws and bylaw acts regulating every right and duty separately together with practical examples of their observance and violation, as well as examples from legal practice and useful pieces of advice as regards understanding and application of law. Appendixes contain samples of procedural documents, list of literature used, reference information and glossaries (international and national). The edition is designed for lawyers, who are interested in protection of human rights in health care sphere as well as for representatives of law enforcing bodies. It can be also useful for health care system workers, participators of the insurance market services, students, postgraduates, scientists and lecturers of medical and law educational institutions, law enforcing organizations and physical persons who are interested in legal regulation of the health care sphere. All practitioner guides are displayed on the web site

E-Book Content

Human Rights in Patient Care: a practitioner guide Ukraine Human Rights in Patient Care: A Practitioner Guide UKRAINE L’viv Publishing House “Medicine and Law” 2012 UDC 342.951:351.778(477) Byrne I., Ezer T., Cohen J., Overall J., Senyuta I. Human Rights in Patient Care: A Practitioner Guide/ Under scientific editing of Senyuta I. – L’viv: LOBF Publishing House “Medicine and Law”, 2012. – 497 p. ISBN 978-966-2019-17-9. Practitioner Guide belongs to the series of books, prepared within the frameworks of international project of the Open Society Institute. The book elucidates the rights and duties of patients and medical workers, forms and ways of these rights protection on the international, regional and national levels. The issues of forensic examinations fulfillment are also highlighted in the manual. The book contains a number of constitutional provisions, legal norms of laws and bylaw acts regulating every right and duty separately together with practical examples of their observance and violation, as well as examples from legal practice and useful pieces of advice as regards understanding and application of law. Appendixes contain samples of procedural documents, list of literature used, reference information and glossaries (international and national). The edition is designed for lawyers, who are interested in protection of human rights in health care sphere as well as for representatives of law enforcing bodies. It can be also useful for health care system workers, participators of the insurance market services, students, postgraduates, scientists and lecturers of medical and law educational institutions, law enforcing organizations and physical persons who are interested in legal regulation of the health care sphere. All practitioner guides are displayed on the web site UDC 342.951:351.778(477) ISBN 978-966-2019-17-9 2 © Bern I., Ezer T., Cohen J., Overall J., Senyuta I., 2012 © Senyuta I., scientific editing, 2012 © Open Society Institute, 2012 © International Renaissance Foundation, 2012 © LOBF Publishing House “Medicine and Law”, 2012 Contents Preface 4 Acknowledgments 6 Foreword to Ukrainian Edition
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