Maersk. Anchor Handling Simulator Course

E-Book Overview

Maersk. 2010 г., 688 с.
Руководство является собственностью компании Маерск и служит для ознакомления со всеми аспектами якорезаводки. Оно знакомит с политикой компании, процедурами, оценкой риска и планированием операций, а так же полное описание всего оборудования и такелажа, применяемого при якорезаводке.

E-Book Content

ik ps 4y pa pa 4y ps ik “Best Practise in Anchor Handling” 4y Maersk Training Centre A/S 4y Anchor Handling Simulator Course ik Program. Abbreviations Introduction to Anchor Handling Course 2. Risk Assessment. Planning 3. Calculations: Winch, Weight, Catenary 4. Anchor Deployment – PCP. Example of… 5. AH – Winches. Winch Computers. Wire Drums. Chain Wheels 6. Shark Jaws, TRIPLEX 7. Shark Jaws, KARM FORKS 8. Wire Rope: Guidelines. Maintenance 9. Anchor Handling Equipment Swivel – Pin Extractor – Socket Bench (Incl. checklist) Balmoral Marine Marine Equipment Handbook 11. Bruce: Dennla & FFTS Mk 4 12. Vryhof Anchor Manual 2005 13. Anchor Handling Breaking the anchor….. 14. Ship Handling. Manoeuvring 15. Drilling Units / - Operations pa 4y ps ik 10. 4y Maersk Training Centre A/S 4y ps pa 4y 1. ik 4y ps 4y pa MTC Anchor Handling Course Manual standard clause This manual is the property of Maersk Training Centre A/S (hereinafter “MTC A/S) and is only for the use of Course participants conducting courses at MTC A/S. This manual shall not affect the legal relationship or liability of MTC A/S with or to any third party and neither shall such third party be entitled to reply upon it. MTC A/S shall have no liability for technical or editorial errors or omissions in this manual; nor any damage, including but not limited to direct, punitive, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from or arising out of its use. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any shape or form or by any means electronically, mechanically, by photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of MTC A/S. Copyright © MTC 2005-08-31 Prepared by: PFR Modified & printed: 2005-08-31 Version: 5.1 Modified by: PFR Internal reference: M:\ANCHOR HANDLING\Course Material\Training Manual New\Chapter 00\2.0 Index.doc Contact MTC Maersk Training Centre A/S Dyrekredsen 4 Rantzausminde 5700 Svendborg Denmark Phone: Telefax: Telex: E-mail: Homepage: +45 63 21 99 99 +45 63 21 99 49 SVBMTC [email protected] WWW.MAERSKTRAININGCENTRE.COM Chapter 00 4y 2.0 Index pa 4y ps ik Managing Director: Claus Bihl Page 2 ps ik Anchor Handling Course Introduction to the Anchor Handling Course Background A.P.Møller owns and operates a modern fleet of anchor handling vessels. The vessels are chartered to oil companies, and rig operators; the jobs are anchor handling, tow and construction jobs. The technical development of these ships has been fast to meet the increased demands. The demands to the performance of the ships have been increased too. A few hours off service can mean large economic losses for the different parties involved. In the last years an increased focus have been on avoiding accidents, and the frequency of these accidents are low. To get the frequency even lower, act
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