Strategic Adaptive Management (sam) Guidelines For Effective Conservation Of Freshwater Ecosystems

E-Book Overview

IUCN WCPA Freshwater Taskforce, Australian Wetlands and Rivers Centre, Sydney. 2012. 43 p.
These guidelines were prepared by Richard T. Kingsford and Harry C. Biggs and other members of the Freshwater Task Force of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, freshwater scientists and managers interested in the long-term adequate protection of freshwater protected areas and other freshwater ecosystems.

E-Book Content

Strategic Adaptive Management (SAM) guidelines for effective conservation of freshwater ecosystems Goals of IUCN WCPA Freshwater Task Force Goal 1: Expand practical contributions which support application of IUCN freshwater Protected Area guidelines (e.g. annotated bibliography and other guidelines). Goal 2: Support programme of work on Biological Diversity of Inland Water Ecosystems under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), recognising the role of the Ramsar Bureau. This includes recommendations in the face of climate change, promoting appreciation of environmental flows by Protected Area communities, and identification and designation of a representative network of Protected Areas, including their freshwater components. Goal 3: Endorse and promote the Global Freshwater Conservation Assessment Project led by the Freshwater Working Group (FWWG) of the Society for Conservation Biology. Goal 4: Promote integration of information with respect to freshwater components of Protected Areas. This includes working towards mapping of wetlands at different scales, and towards comprehensive Wiki-type catchment-scale information layers. Goal 5: Remain involved with ongoing development of adaptive management and adaptive governance guidelines as released (e.g. CBD, Australian Wetlands and Rivers Centre, Sydney). Goal 6: Produce guidelines and publications promoting connectivity in freshwater systems. Goal 7: Promote increasingly representative and effective collaboration between people involved in management and policy of freshwater Protected Areas. Goal 8: Distribute outputs from the Taskforce effectively within IUCN and more broadly. Goal 9: Function as emergent expert/specialist panel on freshwater problems and solutions. These guidelines were prepared by Richard T. Kingsford and Harry C. Biggs and other members of the Freshwater Task Force of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, freshwater scientists and managers interested in the long-term adequate protection of freshwater protected areas and other freshwater ecosystems. The original idea for this publication came from a meeting of about twenty ecologists in Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa in 2006. Many of these participants soon formed the membership of the new IUCN WCPA Freshwater Task Force under the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas. The content was then actively developed by members. Harry Biggs and Richard Kingsford wrote and revised the original document, circulating drafts to members and other peers for review and revision. Although this product emanated from the Task Force and subsequent reviews, any errors, omissions or inappropriate emphases are the responsibility of Richard Kingsford and Harry Biggs. Much of this material is also part of a peer-reviewed publication: Kingsford, R.T., Biggs, H.C. and Pollard, S.R. (2010). Strategic Adaptive Management in freshwater protected areas and their rivers. Biological Conservation 144, 1194-1203. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2010.09.022. We thank Stuart McVicar for designing the publication and James Tremain for his constructive editorial comments. We also thank David Keith, Libby Rumpff, Tony Varcoe and Brian Walker for their helpful comments. We also thank staff from the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage for stimulating input. Preparation of the guidelines was funded by the Australian Wetlands and Rivers Centre, South African National Pa
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