American Spelling Book. 1824-2007

E-Book Content

THE AMERICAN SPELLING BOOK; CONTAINING THE RUDIMENTS OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE FOR THE SCHOOLS IN THE UNITED STATES ________ BY NOAH WEBSTER. ESQ ________ THE REVISED IMPRESSION, WITH THE LATEST CORRECTIONS This edition of the American Spelling Book was published in 1824 by Holbrook and Fessenden of Battleborough, Vermont This “Easy-to-Read, No Frills” typed edition was prepared by Donald L. Potter, Odessa, TX, 2006-2007 2 Publisher’s Preface to the Twenty-First Century Editon of Noah Webster’s The American Spelling Book from Internet Publisher: Donald L. Potter This edition of The American Spelling Book was published in 1824 by Holbrook and Fessenden of Brattleborogh, Vermont. The woodcuts are by A. Anderson “Spelling-Book: n. A book for teaching children to spell and read.” Definition from Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language. Mr. Potter finished typing Noah Webster’s The American Spelling Book, except for personal and place names, on February 19, 2007. Latest revison, March 1, 2007. It is now available for free download from Courier New Font was used in order to keep the columns perfectly aligned. This is impossible with Times New Roman. The pages numbers do not correspond with the original edition due to the complications with formatting. This purpose of this “Easy-to-Read, No-Frills Edition” is entirely practical: I believe parents and teachers will use these pages to teach young children to read and spell on advanced levels unheard of since the days of Noah Webster. Note carefully that Webster considered long, multi-syllabic words of four syllables to be EASY and taught them early, but one syllable word with vowel digraphs and silent letters he considered DIFFICULT and taught them later. Students who begin with Webster will be reading long words at least three year
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