Micro Pelton Turbines (volume 9)

E-Book Overview

SKAT - Swiss Center for Appropriate Technology, 1991, Elliott R.Colin, 353 pages, English Language.
Table of Contents. Preface. Acknowledgment. Units. Nomenclature. ntroduction. Dimensioning of Pelton Turbines. Components and Design Principles. General Notes. Further Hints. Appendices.

E-Book Content

MICROFICHE REFERENCE LIBRARY A project of Volunteers in Asia . . tcro Pelton Turn MHPG Series Volume 9 By: Markus Eisenring Published by: SKAT, Swiss Center for Appropriate Technology Tigerbergstrasse 2 CH-9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland Available ?rom: SKAT, Swiss Center for Appropriate Technology Tigerbergstrasse 2 CH-9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland Reproduced with permission. Reproduction of this microfiche document in any form is subject to the same restrictions as those of the original document. Micro Peltsn Turbines Volume 1: Local Experience with Micro-Hydro Technology Volume 2: Hydraulics Engineering Manual Volume 3: Cross Flow Turbine Besign and Equipment Engineering Volume 4: Cross Flow Turbine Fabrication Volume 6: Village Electrification Volume 6: The Heat Generator Volume 7: MHP Information Package Volume 8: Governor Product Information First edition: 1991by SKAT, Swiss Centerfor Appropriate Technology Author: Markus Eisenring, Niederuzwil, Switzerland Publishedby: SKAT, Swiss Centerfor Appropriate Technology, StGallen, Switzerland and GATE, German AppropriateTechnology Exchange, Eschborn,Germany Layout WernerFuchs, SKAT Cover: F. Hartmann, ASG, St. Gallen, Switzerland Copyright: GATE and SKAT within MHPG Comments: Pleasesendany commentsconcerningthis publication to: SKAT Tigerbergstrasse2 CH-9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland Printed by: NiedermannAG, St.Gallen,Switzerland ISBN: 3-908001-34-X MHPG, the Mini Hydro Power Group is an international network constituted by GTZ-GATE, Germany, FAKT, Germany, IT, U.K., PPL, Germany, Projekt-Consult, Germany, and SKAT, Switzerland. The MHPG is one of the most expert and experienced group concerned with hydro work. It can give advice in the field of both small and large projects. The member organisations have a long term experience in fruitful collaboration in the field of micro and mini-hydro projects. Further information is available at SKAT or one of the other members of the group. Micro PeltonTurbines Preface Thispublicationhasits originin aworkshopon“Microhydropowerenergy”,organizedbyGATE,whichwas heldhr Eschbom,Germany.‘Ihe c&nof theworkshopwasto discussrelevantexperiencein planningand implementation of verysmallhydropowerplantsin developingwunbiess. to determineproblemsanddeficits in thetechnicalandsocioeconomic fields andto discussmatteaon directutilization of mechanicalpower. Oneof the deficitsstatedat this workshopconcemedmicroPeltonturbineinstallations. ‘fhe author was commissionedby G’IZKlATE for the writing of this manual on the layout, design, manufacture andinstallationof verysmall,locallybuilt Peltonturbineplants.It is partof aprogramon micro . hydropower. Thispublicationis directed’tothosewhointendto design,dimension,build,installandto runPeltonturbines. It providesall thenecessd.y theoreticalbackground, designsandhintsonmanufacturingandon procedures of installation,‘Thetechnicalinformationprovidedis anaidfor thesuccessful installationof Peltonturbines, whileat sometime,shorteningtheway for beginners. Thusunnecessary delayandexpenses canbeavoided. it is with purposethat no descriptionsaregivenof very simpledesigns,but achievementof the highest standards of Peltonturbinem-anufachning is not aimedat either.It providesanaverageof suchinformation on whatcanbe re
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