справочник. мины и взрыватели стран варшавского договора (mines Fuzes Warsaw Pact)

E-Book Overview

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Иллюстрированное руководство для саперов по устройству, правилам обращения и обезвреживанию основных типов мин и взрывателей стран Соцлагеря.

E-Book Content

Mines & Fuzes Czechoslovakia Hungary Yugoslavia USSR & GDR Restricted use All data collected and compiled by: Peromni BOOBY TRAPS Mines may be booby trapped In a variety of ways. Some mines have wells for anti-handling fuzes, these usually contain a booster with a threaded cavity for a standard fuze, (see TMN46), others rely on pressure release, (see MS-3 mine). Improvised booby traps are more hazardous as there a no indication of their presence given by identification of the mine. Examples of improvised booby-traps are shown below, these examples are an indication only and do not purport to be a definitive list. CAUTION: Any mine may be booby trapped, search for indications such as enlarged notes, odd wires of protrusions, follow basic procedures. Mortar bomb buried under mine. Pull fuze fixed into mortar bomb with packing Electric detonator in wooden anti-tank mine. When the lid is opened the nail is pulled on to the loop completing the electrical circuit Wooden AP mine with the looped pin wired to an anchor stake, when the mine is lifted the pin is withdrawn. A demolition block with pull fuze. The pull pin is wired to the carrying handle Two sheets of metal gauze are separated by a ring, such as a loop of fan belt. Pressure on the gauze forces them into contact completing the electrical circuit Handgranade used with stake mine. The granade is wedged in place and the safety pin is withdrawn. Pulling the mine stake releases the arming handle. Restricted use All data collected and compiled by: Peromni BOOBY TRAPS Pressure, (tread), mines buried around the point where the trip wires cross, at this point attention is concentrated upon the trip wires AT mines rigged to defeat mine rollers or flails Tensioned trip wire. The pin is held in place by the wire passing through the ring Tensioned trip wire. The wire passes through the safety pin hole in the striker PMP (Anti-Personnel pistol mine) is a WW2 design firing a 7.62mm Tokarev cartridge when the top is crushed Restricted use All data collected and compiled by: Peromni A/P BLAST MINES GAYATA PFM PMA-1 PMA-2 PMA-3 Restricted use All data collected and compiled by: Peromni A/P BLAST MINES PMD-6 PMN PMN-2 PPM Restricted use All data collected and compiled by: Peromni A/P DIRECTIONAL FRAGMENTATION MINES MON-50 MON-100 & 200 MON-90 MRUD Restricted use All data collected and compiled by: Peromni A/P BOUNDING MINES OZM-4 OZM-3 OZM-72 OZM-160 Restricted use All data collected and compiled by: Peromni A/P BOUNDING MINES POM-2S PROM-1 PP-Mi-Sr Restricted use All data collected and compiled by: Peromni A/T BLAST MINES PM-60 PGMDM PT-Mi-Ba-2 PT-Mi-Ba-3 PT-Mi-D Restricted use All data collected and compiled by: Peromni A/T BLAST MINES PT-Mi-K SPM TM-38 TM-41 & TM-44 TM-57 Restricted use TM-62M & P All data collected and compiled by: Peromni A/T BLAST MINES TM-46 & TMN-46 TMA-1 TMA-3 TMA-2 TMA-4 TMA-5 Restricted use All data collected and compiled by: Peromni A/T BLAST MINES TMK-2 TMD-B & TMD-44 TMRP-6 UKA-63