E-Book Overview
85 c.
Данное издание разработано для белорусских общеобразовательных школ, подходит к календарно-тематическому планированию 2015.Английские тексты с упражнениями к ним.
E-Book Content
• Ч,HIKING My name ,s Victor. I think the best wav t is to learn more about your country Mv h i ? Spend a ho^ a y always thought that I am a lazy bov ! a ЬУ 'S Wki"§- >have asked me to go hiking with him I don’t k ! su™mer т У friend to join him. We planned carefully where to^ ? Ut 1decided with us. We had to take a lot of thinoc , ?u What to take small tent and a sleeping bag on our backs VfetooT a 3 player and food, too. ' ok a cassette-
First w e walk as fast as we wanted to R,,t ыslowly and w e loved it. ’
we Walked
fo re Ifn 1 a 7 T h V X e r.w rra lWr ^ r a n S « t 1 ir hV " ? e
We ate a lot o f food and sang songs. We listened to The birds' songs. Everything was so peaceful and beautiful. Next morn ing w e co llected our things and cleaned the place around the fire. W e did everything together and I was not lazy and did everything w ith pleasure. W e walked again for a day and saw a lot o f b eau tifu l places and m et really nice people on our way. Only one man did not w an t to give us a lift to the nearest vil lage. N ext sum m er w e are going hiking again. Some other boys and girls from our school w a n t to go w ith us. If they follow our rules, w e ’ ll c e rta in ly take them .
carefully ['keafuh]осторожно tent [tent] палатка peaceful ['pi.sful] мирный pleasure Гр1е5э] удовольствие 5
accordin3 . o « - ' ^ tbougbt that h* 13--------
'• r - v S b o V b) a lazy boy c) a f u n n y boy
v .te(J him to g o
2. One d»y bis f " a) fishing b) hiking
C) СУСИП^ the firs t n igh t n e a r ------------ ______
3 . They spent the
a) a lake b) a river c) a village 4. They made a fire and
_ч.— ^
a) fell asleep b) sat around the fire c) danced 5. Only one m a n -----------a) took them to the n e are st v illa g e
b) gave them a lift c) didn’t want to give them a lift 6. They will take other children on a hike with them if they_________________________________________• a) carry things b) follow their rules c) sing songs II. Choose the best translation.
1. The best way to spend a holiday. a) проводить каникулы лучш и м путем b) лучший способ проводить кан и кулы c) лучше проводить кан и кул ы таким способом
2. To learn more about your country. a) узнать больше о своей стране b) больш е узнавать о своей деревне c) знать больше о своей местности 3. W e had to take a lot of things. a) М ы в зял и с собой много вещей. b ) М ы им ели с собой много взяты х вещей. c) Н ам приш лось в зять с собой много вещей. 4. F ir s t we d id n ’t w alk as fast as we wanted to. a) М ы не ш л и первыми и так быстро как хотели. b ) В н а ч а л е м ы не ш ли та к быстро ка к хотели. c) В н а ч а л е м ы не хотели идти так быстро. 5. E v e ry th in g w as so peaceful and beau tifu l. a) В о к р у г было та к тихо и красиво. b ) В се б ы л и т а к спокойны и прекрасны. c) В с е м бы ло т а к спокойно, потому что всё во к р у г бы ло кр аси во . 6. W e w a lk e d ag ain fo r a day.
a) И прошел еще один день для нас. b ) Мы опять шли еще день. c) Мы много прошли опять для одного дня. III. A nsw er the questions.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7.
W hat is V ictor’s hobby? W h at is hiking? W h at things did the boys take with them/ W here did the boys spend the first night. How did they spend the first night. W h at did the boys do before leaving ie ^ ? How are they going to spend the next summer.
IV. D escribe V icto r’s hobby. Say:
• why he went hiking, • what they planned carefully; 7
they took w ith them, . What thing